Money Love

Hello lovelies! :) Welcome to Money Love. This is Diamond + Tomasi's shrine. ^_~ Enjoy the riches of Venice + Naples.



    12/19/19: I fixed the shrine and added the missing pages.

    1/27/08: I have colored the scrolls.

    1/25/08: I have added back logos and fixed the code in the question.

    1/21/08: I have fixed the music and added two more praises.

    1/3/07: I have added the praises and the question section.

    10/6/06: I have added even more music.

    8/30/06: I have added the offerings.

    8/27/06: I have added more music.

    8/7/06: I have added music.

    8/5/06: I have fixed the link back.

    5/24/06: I have added the bios.

Layout Designed by Aethereality

Italian Riches

 + + Princess + Soft Prince
 + + Offerings
 + + Habakkuk
 + + Timeline
 + + Praises
 + + Ask the Princess
 + + Back
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