+The Angel and the Cowboy
+Song of Solomon
+Ask the Angel
+Back to the Shrine

Layout by © Setsi. From Setsi's Home Page.

Mars + Heaven

    Welcome, welcome! This is the love shrine of Spike and Sakura! Enjoy your stay!


12/13/19: I fixed the shrine.

11/4/09: I have added the timeline!

3/12/09: I have added the logo, an icon, some chapters to Song of Solomon, a pic to the question section, and fixed the scroll bar Song of Solomon and pics to the bios.

2/28/07: I have added another chapter to Song of Solomon and fixed one of the chapter links.

2/26/07: I have added another chapter to Song of Solomon.

2/8/07: I have fixed the numbering in the praises.

2/7/07: I have added another chapter to Song of Solomon.

1/5/07: I have fixed the title of Song of Solomon.

10/5/06: I have added the book of Song of Solomon.

8/28/06: I have added more music and offerings.

8/18/06: I have added music.

5/17/06: I have added pictures to the bios.