Shuichi Toyota
Age: 19
Shy and charming, Shuichi is every girl's dream. He moved to Tokyo to go to college. Shuichi moved into his aunt's apartment for he had nowhere to go. He was living a boring life until he found Yoko laid out on the side of the road. Ever since then, Shuichi's life is hell broken loose.
Yoko Megumi Umi Riho Jun Kaoru Kayko Yuri Hotaru Ai Sakurako III
Age: 28,017 (But looks 19)
An alien oni, Yoko is a crazy sexy wild girl. She was found laid out drunk along-side the road by Shuichi one evening. From that moment on, Yoko stayed in Shuichi's apartment. She drives him crazy by sleeping in his ex-girlfriend's futon and his bed, playing her guitar at full blast, riding her motorcycle into the apartment, getting into fights (both word and physical) with the other girls on the floor, striking across Shuichi's apartment, eating on his couch, wearing his clothes, and seducing him. Yoko ran away from home to escape an arranged marriage by her family.
Ami Honda
Age: 17
Shuichi's neighbor down the hall, Ami has a crush on him. She is quiet, shy, and polite. Her gay older brother, Touya, is very protective over her. Ami is a great artist and is very sensitive. If someone yells at her, she'll cry. Ami loves flowers and birds.
Hallie Asuka Masaki
Age: 18
Shuichi's ex-girlfriend's best friend, Hallie is always trying to blackmail Shuichi by using her camera. She and Yoko don't get along! Hallie tattles on Shuichi to his ex. Her father has many affairs with other women so much that she's used to it. Hallie likes Touya and tries to make him straight.
Rei Tojo
Age: 16
Erotic and enigmatic, Rei lives next to Shuichi and Yoko. She likes her male neighbor. Doesn't talk much and pretty much peaceful. Rei breaks up fights between Yoko and Hallie.
Ruri Hayasiba:
Age: 21
Hallie and Yukina's next door neighbor, Ruri is serious when it comes to work and her goals. But on her off days, she relaxes and drinks. When she is drunk, she tries to sleep with Shuichi and Touya. Yoko and Rei are her close friends.
Megumi Komachi:
Age: 21
Shuichi's close friend and Ami and Touya's next-door neighbor, Megumi is a sweetie and a clever girl. She thinks her friend is too uptight and needs to relax. Megumi has a bit of a problem spacing out but she's a total tech genius. Touya is the apple of her eye.
Yuki Johuysa:
Age: 19
Shuichi's classmate and Hallie and Yukina's next-door neighbor, Yuki is cheerful and warm. She has a crush on Shuichi, Ruri, and Yoko. Yuki has a pretty voice and loves to sing. Boys are attracted to her when she sings. Yuki is the stay at home type.
Michi Motokiyo:
Age: 14
Sweet yet sour, Michi is the prankster of the gang. She likes both Shuichi and Touya. Michi will cause trouble yet defend her friends. She doesn't know it, but within her body lies a power greater than Yoko's. Michi lives next door to Shuichi and Yoko and like cats.
Yukina Masaki
Age: 13
Hallie's younger half-sister, Yukina is chirpy and talkative. Hallie can't stand her. Yukina is a total romantic. She gets sad when her father has other affairs. Hallie and Yukina live across from Shuichi. She has a crush on him and Touya.
Rihoko Kamiya:
Age: 35
Voice of reason, Rihoko is Shuichi's rich aunt. She owns the apartment that the crew lives in crew lives in. Rihoko enjoys luxury and fancy junk of life. But she is really wise with her money. Rihoko covers the crew's accounts and fees.
Touya Honda:
Age: 20
Strong, manly, and protective, Touya is Ami's older brother. He is gay and likes Shuichi. Touya is aware of all the girls who like him and doesn't really care. He get annoyed at Hallie's attempts to turn him straight. Touya keeps his feelings to himself except to Shuichi and Ami.
Age: 666
Yoko's flying cat. She is fat, white, and floats around all the time. Suzu enjoys staying home, eating, and sleeping. She, Shuichi, and the others have mixed relationships.