Kaoru Idane:

Age: 28

    Kaoru is a wandering samurai. He is basically like Kenshin. Kaoru likes women. But he tries to be a gentlemen to them. Kaoru was a wanderer until he decided to go "home"....

Hang Moto:

Age: 21

    Hang is a young hooker. She may be hot, but her looks are like a trap. Hang is a tough cookie. She doesn't take crap from men. Hang will kick your ass! When Kaoru tries to solicit her, she put a gun to his chest! Now, Hang follows Kaoru "home".


Age: 80

    Where to begin on this priest? There is no real way to describe him. The priest just follows the crew around and chants different spells under his breath.

Azumi Taku

Age: 16

    Azumi is a child waitress. She had a cruel boss who was a gambling leech. Azumi was living in hell. That was until Kaoru and Hang came to the restaurant she was working at. Kaoru challenged her boss to a card game and won. Now, Azumi follows Kaoru and Hang around "home".

Inu Tani:

Age: 13

    Inu is an ex-gangster. He tried to rob from Kaoru. But Hang caught him and beat him up. Impressed, Inu decided to quit his thug ways and follow the crew "home".

Tsuken Ito:

Age: 10

    Tsuken is another runaway. He is a bit of a whimp. Inu and Heitaro love to pick on him. The girls love to baby him. Tsuken just wants a chance to prove himself. And Kaoru is going to help him do so.

Heitaro Sugita

Age: 19

    Heitaro is a runaway. He tries to act tough, but he's just a pussycat. Heitaro has a like for Azumi. He tries to impress her too hard. Heitaro later matures into a man.

Sony Ina

Age: 19

    Sony is a homeless orphan. He was a lost cause. That was until Kaoru and co. came and took care of him. Now he travels "home" with them. Sony has a thing for Hang. Whoo-hoo!

Mihoko Ushiba

Age: 5

    Mihoko is a little sweetheart. She was accidentally left behind by her parents. Now, Kaoru and co. take care of her as they go "home".