
Birthday: 8/12/**

Age: 2,000 (But looks 21)

Species: Tenshi-chi

Gender: Female

Hair: Black

Eyes: Black

Height: 5'2"

Blood type: N/A

Weight: 96.8 lbs.

     Hotaru is a tenshi-chi. She is Tamotsu's wife. Hotaru and Tamotsu were happily married until a zefran storm killed her when she went to go rescue their cat from it. Tamotsu sold his soul to find and save her. They reunited years later in Kita Tokyo. Hotaru is now trying to make her husband pure again for she still sees some good in him where the others do not. If he died, she would die and the ray heart gems would disappear. Thus, the tenshi-chi eternal duty to protect her husband from dead. Hotaru is a gentle and caring soul. She even gets along with everyone and is the voice of reason.


Birthday: 10/7/**

Age: 2,002 (But looks 22)

Species: Oni-chi

Gender: Male

Hair: Black

Eyes: Black

Height: 5'10"

Blood type: N/A

Weight: 135 lbs.

    Tamotsu is an oni-chi. He is Hotaru's husband. Tamotsu sold his soul just to have his wife back from the land of dead. Only, she didn't come back to him as he was promised. So Tamotsu ended up wandering the earth in misery and depression killing humans while looking for Hotaru. For years, he had no luck in finding his lost wife. But now she and him are back together again. Tamotsu is the crow and is full of darkness. But inside, he is a lost man begging for help. Hotaru is trying to save him. Tamotsu's tough looks puts fear anyone. He tries to protect Hotaru a lot, even to the point of over-protection.