Karen's Bio

Name: Sumalee Kanya Karen Luk-Ket

AKA: Tsuma and Thai-queen

Birthdate: 3/3/83

Age: 19

P.O.B.: Bangkok, Thailand

Species: Kamimortal

Occupation: Student and writer

Hair: Black or Dark red (Depends on the fic)

Eyes: Brown

Height: 6'0"

Love Status: Dating

Likes: Anime, snacking, lacy underwear, Ryo, karaoke, manga, writing, J-rock, drinking, Gorillaz, partying, 80's music, jewelry, drinking, photography, directing, Train, lacy underwear, comedies, Sneaker Pimps, Japan, Tori Amos, beach, road trips, internet, Thailand, clubbing, night life, and driving

Outfit: Black leather short skirt, red kimono-style shirt that shows her midriff, black leather jacket, navy pantyhose, and black leather high-heeled boots. (Sometimes small pink framed glasses)

Station Wagon: Eagle

Animal chibi: Leopard

    Sweetheart by day and a wild child by night, Karen plays both parts so well. She grew up a sweet child at first. Descendant of Helen. Karen's mom ate a piece of the maiden's heart in an orange while she was pregnant with her. The dead maiden took care of the baby for 80 days. Karen become rebellious when she was thirteen. Then she moved out of the house. Karen was on a cruise when she met the Tokyo-Zion crew. She signed on and has been there ever since. Karen has a tattoo of a dragonfly inside her right calf.

Ryo Konae
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 65 kg
    Ryo is Karen's boyfriend/boy toy. He was innocent and shy when they first met. Ryo is still shy but no longer innocent. He lives with his mother in Tokyo. Ryo's parents are divorced. He keeping his relationship with Karen a secret from everyone. But the boy plans to tell his mother the truth in six months. Ryo and Karen help each other with school and work. Karen drags him to night clubs and parties all the time.