Vacation Girl Previews

Volume Two

    Get ready for round two of summer vacation. Fumio and Sui-Topii are constantly on the move this week. Many bonds are formed and strengthened. Even through that, Fumio still has to pay of his debts. Maybe he'll sort it out while Sui-Topii plays in the new amusement park? Yet with Fergi and Sui-Topii around, there will be no peace for him. Welcome to summer, buddy!

Volume Three

    Fumio finallu has a job. Now, he has a way to get out of debt and support Sui-Topii--hopefully. Little screw-ups keep popping up in his life. He still can't afford a baby-sitter, so Sui-Topii comes with him. Plus, his car loves to fail on him. On top of that, Fumio's still tongue-tied about his feelings on Fergi. Sigh. Maybe he'll survive the week. Maybe... One will have to see. Yeah...

Volume Four