Fumio Tsurimi

Age: 19

    Fumio is a stressed out college sophomore band student. He has a lot of band debts, his summer job sucks, his car is evil, and he is badly screwed over! To add to his complications, his little sister, Sui-Topii, comes to his dorm house and stays with him for the whole summer! The boy has a crush on Fergi but is too shy to ask her out. Fumio is an uptight young man.

Sui-Topii Tsurimi

Age: 5

    Sui-Topii is Fumio's kid sister. She loves her brother to pieces! Every summer, Sui-Topii stays with Fumio until she goes back to school. The kid drives him to the edge with her hyperness and super-cutesiness. Everyone just loves Sui-Topii!

Fergi Robinson

Age: 19

    Fergi is Fumio's hot crush. She is a complete party girl. The girl is trying to loosen Fumio up. This American girl sees Sui-Topii as just the right key to support her cause.