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Just Because

Just because I want to.

People, Bakura is so totaly NOT a girl!

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Does anybody know what they're saying?

LOL! This is so funny!Reads Right to Left.

Look what I made! I'm so proud of myself!

He's got a "I'm oh-so-much-better-than-you look on his face" I think him and Sesshomaru would get along great except for the whole fact Bakura is a human.^_^(They also both have cool hair!)

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This is an awsome game! The begining story is kinda sad though. If you want to know more just e-mail me and I'll tell you what I know, but not here, I don't want to spoil it for some people. I stupidly sold my Game Cube. DUH!!!

Look what I made!!!! Looks like someone needs to get a life! I was really bored one day and made this necklace out of clay. Later I added clear, shiny fingernail polish. Oh yeah, I think I need some help. Or not, I just really LOVE this game.