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Latric, True Master Bounty Hunter

Level: 95
HP: 10,276 / 10,276
MP: 8,247 / 8,247
EXP: 80,920 / 99,000
Total EXP: 3,463,950

Gil: 2,573,256

5 Potions(Restores 150 HP)
2 Ether(Restores 150 MP)
2 Phoenix Down(Restores Life and heals 200 HP)
10 X-Potions(Heals All HP.)

15 Dark Matter(Does 10,000 to one foe.)

Weapons: Latric Blade
S. Weapon: Sabretooth's Claws

Head Gear: Bandana
Arm Gear: Bracer
Armor: Gaia Gear
Add-On: Ultima Psytium Crystal
Special Add-On: Thunder Choas Emerald

Extra Equipment (Not Equiped):
Weapons: Metal Glove, Work Glove, Deul Claws, Kaiser Knuckles, Rune Claws
S. Weapons: Strider Hiryu's Sword, Ryu's Strength Gloves

Head Gear: None
Arm Gear: None
Armor: Survival Vest, Dark Gear, Judo Uniform
Add-On: Yellow Scarf, Fairy Earrings

Strengh: 735
Magic: 715
Spirt: 725
Trance Gauge: 1,084/1,280(Lasts 12 turns)(||||||||||\\)
Limt Gauge: 910/1,000(|||||||||\)

MAG DAM: 2,770
ATK DAM: 2,601
S. ATK DAM: 2,457
ATK Power: 132
S. Power: 84

DEF: 45
EVA: 57

ELEM-ATK: Wind(50%), Earth(50%), Thunder(100%)
ELEM-DEF: Thunder(Absorbs All Thunder Damage), Earth(Resistant).
STAT-ATK: Darkness.

Abilities Learned:
Antibody: Prevents Poison and Venom.
Locomotion: Prevents Stop.
Aura: Flair Skill
No Mercy: Flair Skill
Counter: When by Non-Magical Attack, Attacks back with your ATK DMG.
Insomniac: Prevents Silence.
Man Eater: 2x Attack Damage on Humans.
Bird Killer: 2x Attack Damage on Flying Monsters.
Add Status: If wearing a weapon with a Status type, roll a 1d2(1=hit, 2-miss).
Revive: Flair Skill
Power Throw: When Throwing a throwable weapon or Spell, does 2x more damage.
Curse: Flair Skill
Countdown: Flair Skill
Demi Shock: Flair Skill
Spare Change: Flair Skill
Chakra: Flair Skill
HP 10%: Raise HP by 10%.
Heavy Slash: Special Skills
Ragnarok: Special Skills
Berserker Claw: Special Skills
Wild Fang Throw Special Skills
Berserker Claw X: Special Skills
High Tide: Raises chance of Trance.
Energy Sword: Latric Spells
Energy Masamune: Latric Spells
Ultima Energy Sword: Latric Spells
Latric Blast: Latric Spells
Latric Shock: Latric Spells

Learning Abilities:
Latric Claws: 4,000/5,000
Thunder Storm: 0/4,000
Thunder Bolt: 0/700
Thunder Strike: 0/600
Thunder Ball: 0/750

Combat List:
Latric Spells


Special Skills:
Heavy Slash: Costs 5 MP(Does 4x Special Damage)
Ragnarok: Cost 7 MP(Does 10x Special Damage. Only in Trance.)
Berserker Claw: Costs 0 MP(Does 5x Special Damage.)
Wild Fang Throw: Costs 0 MP(Does 11x Special Damage. if Block, double damage.)
Berserker Claw X: Costs 0 MP(Does 55x Special Damage. Only in Trance.)

Latric Spells:
Energy Sword: Costs 80 MP(Causes 10x Attack Damage.)
Energu Masamune: Costs 1,000 MP(Causes 200x Attack Damage.)
Latric Claws: Costs 200MP(Causes any sowrd to grow 10 extra Blades. Raises Attack damage by 10x for 5 Attacks.)(Can't Use!)
Ultima Energy Sword: Costs 3,000 MP(Deals 2000x Attack Damage.)
Latric Blast: Costs 150 MP(Allows Latric to throw a Energy Ball. Deals 10x Magic Damage.)
Latric Shock: Costs 300 MP(Allows Latric to Throw A Lighting Ball. Deals 25x Magical Thunder Damage.)

Monk's Flair:
Chakra: Costs 6 MP(Restores 9,000 HP and 4,500 MP.)
Spare Change: Costs 0 MP(Use 1/10 Gil to cause damage.)
No Mercy: Costs 12 MP(Does Magic Damage to 1 Foe.)
Aura: Costs 12 MP(Does Auto-Life and Regen on Target.)
Curse: Costs 12 MP(Makes the enemy weak against some elements. Roll1d8)
Revive: Costs 8 MP(Restores Life and gives 300 HP.)
Demi Shock: Costs 20 MP(Damages like Demi. Takes away 1/4 of Enemies HP.)
Countdown: Costs 16 MP(Casts Doom on enemy)

Limit Breaks:
Level 1 Limits:
Super Gold: Adds 10,000 to Attack Power.
Latric Barrier: Absorbes All Damage and Uses it Against foes.
Snake Fang Blast: Roll 2d6.(If 1, no Status.) Causes a unblockable Status like: Venom(2), Poison(3), Stop(4), Doom(5) and Darkness(6). Does 15x Damage.

Level 2 Limits:
Super Silver: Causes Haste and 10x All Attack damage.
Mystic Latric: Causes Latric's Health to raise by 10x.

Unkown - "But now you must rid your selves of things such as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips!"

Red Kobun
Nick Name: Latric Jr.
Level: 95
HP: 9,000 / 9,000
MP: 8,000 / 8,000

EXP: 0/ 99,000
Total EXP: 3,383,950
Weapon: Cinna's Hammer
Weapon Power: 100

Strength: 750
Magic: 750
Spirit: 750
Attack Damage: 2,550
Magic Damage: 3,000
Hyper Gauge: 100/100
Hyper Level: MAX(14/14)

Weakness: Lighting

Grab Support: Costs 0 MP(Does Normal Damage. If Hit, Foe loses a Turn.)
Rush Support: Costs 0 MP(Does Normal Damage.)
Crash Support(Known as Tsukami.): Costs 0 MP(Does Normal Damage.)
Flying Support: Costs 0 MP(Does Normal Damage. Hit Floating Guys.)
Kobun Fire: Costs 5 MP(Does Fire Damage.)
Kobun Machine: Costs 10 MP(Does 2x Normal Damage. If miss, Delays 1 turn.)
Paper Airplane: Costs 0 MP(Acts like a Taunt but does Normal Damage.)
Lunch Rush: Costs 40 MP(Does 40x Attack Damage. Costs 1 HL. Blocking does 1/2 damage.)
Super Rush: Costs 20 MP(Does 20x Attack Damage. Costs 1 HL. Blocking does 1/2 Damage + 600.)
Tsukami Rush: Costs 30 MP(Does 30x Attack Damage. Costs 1 HL. Blocking does 10x Attack damage.)
King Kobun: Costs 0 MP(Does 50x Normal Damage. Requires 10 Kobuns or Max HL(14).)

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