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Sephiroth, Member of SOLDIER

Level: 52
HP: 5,297 / 5,297
MP: 3,248 / 3,248
EXP: 21,231 / 33,800
Total EXP: 680,661

Gil: 3,814

5 Potions
2 Ethers
2 Phoenix Downs

1 Dark Matter(Does 10,000 Damage to one Foe.)

Weapons: Shadagon(Shadow Masamune)
Special Weapon: Silver Samurai's Steel Sword

Head Gear: None
Arm Gear: None
Armor: Heavy Black Cloak
Add-On: Power Orb
Special Add-On: Shadow Chaos Emerald

Extra Equipment (Not Equiped):
Weapons: Mythril Sword, Ice Brand, Coral Sword, Blood Sword, Diamond Sword, Flame Saber, Rune Blade, Ultima Sword, Ragnarok, Excalibur 2, Rune Blade
Head Gear: None
Arm Gear: None
Armor: None
Add-On: Pumice, Running Shoes, Black Belt, Reflect Ring, Rebirth Ring

Strengh: 416
Magic: 417
Spirt: 418
Trance Gauge: 320/1,020 (Lasts 10 turns)(|||\\\\\\\)
Limit Gauge: 0/100(\\\\\\\\\\)

Magic Atk Dmage: 1,670
Atk Damage: 1818
Special Damage: 1428
Atk Power: 190
Special W. Power: 60

Def: 50
Eva: 30
Magic Def: 52
Magic Eva: 30

ELEM-ATK: Shadow(100%)

Abilities Learned:
Beast Killer: Beasts take 2x Damage.
Darkside: Sword Art Skill
Auto-Haste: Haste is automaticly on. Takes Attacks 2 times in a turn.
Auto-Potion: Uses a Potion automaticly when hit.(Inactive)
Iai Strike: Sword Art Skill
Auto-Life: When KO'ed, Gets Revived from Auto-Life Status.
Power Break: Sword Art Skills
Armor Break: Sword Art Skills
Mental Break: Sword Art Skills
Magic Break: Sword Art Skills
Charge!: Sword Art Skills
Thunder Slash: Sword Art Skills
Shock: Sword Art Skills
Minus Strike: Sword Art Skills
Climhazzard: Sword Art Skills
Stock Break: Sword Art Skills
Firaga: SOLDIER Skills
Blizzaga: SOLDIER Skills
Thundaga: SOLDIER Skills
Earthquake: SOLDIER Skills
Life: SOLDIER Skills
Full-Life: SOLDIER Skills
Curaga: SOLDIER Skills
Regen: SOLDIER Skills
Holy: SOLDIER Skills
Meteor: SOLDIER Skills
Barrier: SOLDIER Skills
Shuriken: Special Skills
Hyper Shuriken: Special Skills
Shadow Bolt: Special Skills
Shadow Flair: Special Skills
Shadow Storm: Special Skills
Shade: Special Skills
Dark Mercy: Special Skills

Learning Abilities:
SOLDIER All: 3,500/10,000

Combat List:
Special Attacks
Sword Arts

Magic Arts(Needs a black mage in party)


Spcial Skills:
Shuriken: Costs 12 MP (Deals 10x Damage to 1 target)
Hyper Shuriken: Costs 25 MP (Deals 25x Damage to 1 target. Only in Trance)
Shadow Bolt: Costs 20 MP (Charges the weapon with Dark Energy as it fires a Dark bolt from the Tip of it. Deals 15x Magical Shadow Damage.)
Shadow Flair: Costs 25 MP (Charges the hands with Shadow Energy as the energy is unleashed with a fiery might that'll incinerate the multiple targets with the Flames of Darkness. Deals 25x Magical Shadow Damage to multiple targets.)
Shadow Storm: Costs 50 MP (Simular to Kuja's Flare Star. Deals 40x Magical Shadow damage to multiple targets.)
Shade: Cost 15 MP (Cause all Allies to be covered in shade, alas, Making them 'Vanish' in thin air. ;-) )
Dark Mercy: Costs 12 MP (After Sephiroth seeing Amarant's No Mercy, he wanted to use Amarant's own ability aganst him to turn the tides in battle. He finally learned it after months of training. Deals 20x Magical Shadow Damage)

Sword Arts:
Darkside: Costs 0 MP (Reduces HP to cause Physical Shadow damage to the enemy.)
Minus Strike: Costs 8 MPP (Damages with difference between max HP and current HP.Example! 6,950 - 950 = 6,000 Damage)
Iai Strike: Costs 16 MP (Roll a 1d10("//roll-dice1-sides10"). If 8 or higher, Target Get's KO'ed.)
Power Break: Costs 8 MP (Reduces the enemy’s Attack Damage. Makes Foe do 1/2 Physical Damage.)
Armor Break: Costs 4 MP (Reduces the enemy’s Defense. Cancels Protect or your Phsyical Attacks do 2x Damage.)
Mental Break: Costs 8 MP (Reduces the enemy’s Magic Defence. Cancels Shell or your Magic Damage do 2x Damage.)
Magic Break: Costs 4 MP (Reduces the enemy’s Magic Damage. Make Foe do 1/2 Magic Damage.)
Charge!: Costs 10 MP (Makes all Near Death party members ‘Attack’.)
Thunder Slash: Costs 24 MP (Causes Physical Thunder damage to the enemy.)
Stock Break: Costs 26 (Deals 10x Phsical Damage to all Enemies
Climhazzard: Costs 32 (Deals 15x Physical Damage to all enemies.)
Shock: Costs 46 MP (Deals 10x physical damage to the enemy.)

Firaga: Costs 24 MP (Deals 15x Magical Fire Damage to a Single Target)
Blizzaga: Costs 24 MP (Deals 15x Magical Ice Damage to a Single Target)
Thundaga: Costs 24 MP (Deals 15x Magical Thunder Damage to a Single Target)
Earthquake: Costs 24 MP (Deals 15x Magical Earth Damage to Multiple Targets)
Life: Costs 8 MP (Restores Death and Heals Half HP.)
Full-Life: Costs 22 MP (Restores Death and Heals all HP.)
Curaga: Costs 22 MP (Heals 10x HP to a Single Target.)
Regen: Costs 14 MP (Cause the target to heal 550HP every 5 Seconds in battle.)
Holy: Costs 36 MP (Deals 15x Magical Holy Damage to Multiple Targets)
Meteor: Costs 42 MP (Deals 25x Magical Damage to Multiple Targets)
Barrier: Costs 25 MP (Causes Protect and Shell to a Single Target.)

Limit Breaks:
Level 1 Limits:
Dark Blast: Deals 25x Magical Shadow Damage

Servbot No. 6
Nickname: Darkstar
Level: 1
HP: 800/800
MP: 500/500

EXP: 0/100
EXP Total: 0

Weakness: Lighting
Weapon: None.
STR: 10
MAG: 20
SPR: 25
Atk Damage: 20
Mag Damage: 90
Kobun Fire: Costs 5 MP(Does Fire Damage.)
Kobun Machine: Costs 10 MP(Does 2x Normal Damage. If miss, Delays 1 turn.)
Grab Support: Costs 0 MP(Does Normal Damage. If Hit, Foe loses a Turn.)
Rush Support: Costs 0 MP(Does Normal Damage.)
Crash Support(Known as Tsukami): Costs 0 MP(Does Normal Damage.)
Flying Support: Costs 0 MP(Does Normal Damage. Hit Floating Guys.)
Paper Airplane: Costs 0 MP(Acts like a Taunt but does Normal Damage.)
Lunch Rush: Costs 40 MP(Does 40x Attack Damage. Costs 1 HL. Blocking does 1/2 damage.)
Super Rush: Costs 20 MP(Does 20x Attack Damage. Costs 1 HL. Blocking does 1/2 Damage + 500.)
Tsukami Rush: Costs 30 MP(Does 30x Attack Damage. Costs 1 HL. Blocking does 10x Attack damage.)
King Kobun: Costs 0 MP(Does 50x Normal Damage. Requires 10 Kobuns or Max HL.)

Darkstar Says, "Why haven't you trained me yet, Damn it!?"

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