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CFIDS- Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome

CFS- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

ME - Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

FMS- Fibromyalgia Syndrome  


Europe, Canada, Britian, Australia and many other areas use the term Myalgic Encephalomylitis (ME).  The U.S. refers to the illness as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) or Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction (CFIDS).  My doctor also believes that Fibromyalgia is also the same illness as CFIDS/ME just some people have more symptoms of physical pain.  Makes sense to me since so many PWC (persons with CFIDS) also have FMS.  

So what is this illness that has so many names yet hardly enyone knows about it unless they have it?  Well It is a very debilitation chronic disease, it is an auto-immune disorder, with a variety of symptoms.  It is real, it is not in our heads.  This illness is often refered to as  "the invisible disablility" because people who suffer from it don't usually look sick.  Most people can remember a stressful event,  or an infection that wouldn't go away as the onset of their illness.  In my case it was both.  It was my first year of college and I was going to school full time.  I was working a couple part time jobs on top of that.  I was photo editor of the school paper.  I was getting good grades.   I was under a lot of stress both at home and at school.  I started being followed by my perpetratpr (who abused me when I was younger and was also a proffesor at the shcool) in school and at home I was getting threatened to take him to court and the schools wanted him out so they were trying to push me to take legal action as well  I was hospitalized for depression in 1994 because  I was suicidal at that time.  I later came down with mono and had to drop out of everything. I had it so severe that it was the worst case my dr had seen.  I was completely bedridden.  It was awful and took a huge toll on my family as well.   I don't really remember the time frame but about a year later I started to feel a little better and was able to go back to school some but definatly not with the same amount of energy as before.  I was managing for a short time and then I got sick in the same way again they told me it was a mono like virus but their really wasn't anything they could do.  I never got completely better but I did feel better for periods of time and then I would go back to work but always get sick again.  Even when I felt better and was able to function some it was still not at the level I used to be at. 

Where my health is at now...

Currently I am in the process of going through disability as well as some other aid.  I am unable to work and have trouble doing some basic everyday living tasks.  I am able to drive but it is limited to when I feel well enough.  I stay home quite often because of this.

visit the links page for more links and info on cfids and fm


You can also read my health journal to follow along a little more

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