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X free2fly X


4 Him


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     Hey there!! Thanks for stopping by my site. I'm glad you found my little space on the web. So I am supposed to write a bit about me...alright here it goes...:-) 

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     Ok just incase y'all want to know I'm a 27 year old Christian chick livin in A2 (ann arbor) , Michigan  [Whoo hoo!]  who wishes she lived someplace warmer ;-) I live with my roomate, my dog, cat, and various other little creatures. 

      I am also dealing with CFIDS/ME/FM (whatever name you want to choose to call it all), Bipolar disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, Candida, and Multiple Chemical Sensitity on a regular basis amoungs other ailments that come along with that lovely package (man that sounds messed up). I spend a lot of time at home, am currently unable to work, and going through the process of getting disability which is a pain.

    When I do go out I'm often going to church or visiting friends and family.  I am also a very creative person.  I love working on a painting, photography,  or working on stained glass. My personality can  be weird and quirky or quiet and shy.  At times I tend to be an introvert even though I have some extrovertal qualities about me  as well.  

     As I mentioned earlier I am a Christian and I love God very much.  I am saved by Christ alone. I was saved about 3 years ago, and am still learning a lot everyday. I am in the process of learning how to listen to God and to trust  Him completely (this is something that is often hard for me). I am also still learning to forgive myself as God has forgiven me, and to love myself as much as God loves me too :)  I often struggle a lot.  You can read my testimony that is still in progress if you wish to.

Don't forget to check out the  Getting Healthy Series, it is a very good series from church.  Also I just started using my prayer journal again. I do a lot of private entries but I also have a lot of public entries too.  eagles_wings           

I love my friends and family and am blessed to have them in my life. I love my pets much that they now have their own journals.  I know I'm nuts.  Go visit them at xcoffeekittyx  and austiepuppy.


To read more about me you can also read my journals

free2fly -my regular journal  free_to_fly - my health journal

~X Free2Fly X~

don't forget to sign my guestbook! :)



        The WeatherPixie       


If you would like someone to pray for something going on in your life, please go here.
Today's Verse


sign M.E. petition

 feel free to reach me at any of the following:

                                            AOL IM:  Xx free2fly xX (Add Me, Send Message)
                                            ICQ UIN: 147527792 (Add User, Send Message)
                                            Yahoo! ID: free2fly4Him (Add User, Send Message)
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paintings | photographypets | stained glass | silly pics | about me | living room
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