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Random Facts about me


Some  things you may or may not want to know about me!

in no particular order.


I have lived in Michigan most of my life.

I love my pets.

I lived in Canada for 3 years.....grade 9 through grade 11.

Moved back to Michigan my senior year.

Ran away from my mom's and moved to my dad's.

Things were just as bad at my dad's.

I was sexually abused when I was young.

I was hospitalized for depression in 94

My finances are a disaster.

My brother is currently in the army.

I shaved my head once.

I have also dyed it black.

I had the worst case of mono  the dr had ever seen.

I never got completely better.

I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (cfs or cfids)

I also have Fibromyalgia (FMS)

I was in a wheelchair last year

I'm bipolar II..originally diagnosed as manic depression in 94

refused to believe that was true.

I was re-diagnosed again a few years ago as bipolar.

That sounded better so I believed that.

Which is funny cos it's the same thing.

So I was mad again when I realized that..

I'm on risperdal.

I'm supposed to take depakote but I don't

I gave up caffeine  for lent

I am a Christian

I have an addictive personality..

caffeine has been the hardest to give up

I was throwing up from withdrawal symptoms...and felt like I was going to die

I now drink lots of yerba mate`

I love art

I love photography too...especially b&w..but don't do as much as I used to

I never finished college.

I was going for a photography degree.

I'm divorced.

Marriage lasted less than a year.

He started getting abusive.

I stayed at a shelter.

I knew I should have said no before I got married, but I didn't listen.

I'm much happier now.

I'm much healthier now.

There was black mold in the house.

I'm very allergic to mold.

I get exhausted really easily.

It's like always having mono that can flair up at any moment.

only even worse and with more pain.

I love summer.

I wish I could travel more.

I need to move south to someplace warm, but I would miss all my friends.

I want to scuba dive.

I almost got my certification but I got sick and didn't finish.

I love the ocean

I love saltwater tanks.

liquid light is awesome!

"my liquid light isn't liquid"  hahahah long story...

I ran into a pole at a grocery store walking, and a car in the driveway with my car on the same day.

brain fog at it's finest!

I space out a lot sometimes.

yet I manage to get a 3.8 gpa and on ptk honors society.

I question how....I really do.

I didn't believe it when I read the letter, and laughed.

I have some really great friends :)

My family isn't always supportive but I love them a ton anyways.

I love Mexican food.

My step mom is Mexican and a great cook.

my brothers are half Mexican too

I have been to Mexico twice.

I love it!

chocolate makes everything better again....well almost everything. :)

I love chocolate...but who doesn't!?

I lived in Austin Texas for a year.

ramaustin on lj used to be my next door neighbor.

We had lots of fun together

Austin (my dog) peed on his leg...bad dog!

Yes I named my dog after the visiting the city for the first time..after going to Barton springs.

I went to the humane society when I got home and picked up Austin.

my cat misty ran away...I still see her learking in the neighborhood..

she has a new collar on...she didn't like it at my place.

She hated Austie puppy.

I used to smoke too much pot.

I don't smoke any at all anymore.

I used to date girls.

I don't do that anymore either, God showed me that wasn't what He wanted for me.

I have changed a lot over the years.

I like the change.

I'm a better person and I like myself better.

I am just starting to like myself and that feels good.

I do have LOTS of room for lots of improvement.

I have a LONG way to go still.

I often make bad decisions.

I'm really bad with finances.

I'm in a financial mess right now.

I don't work.

I do volunteer.

I have a dog, cat, tortoises, and a blue tongue skink.

I want to be more artistic and spend more time doing artwork.

I want to spend more time reading the bible and praying.

I admit I don't do nearly enough of either one.

I sometimes think it's hard to be a Christian.

bipolar messes up my judgment often too 

I make decisions based on emotion.

this is something I have to stop.

working on it.

I am moody.

I can be fun.

I can be depressing.

I complain too much.

stress makes me sick...literally.

I do believe we are in end times

I get confused at times.

If end of the world means we are with God in heaven that's a good thing , not a bad thing.

My friend Laura has a really good way of looking at it...very positive.

I trust God has a plan.

and is in control.

I went to a Lutheran school.

I grew up not going to church and sometimes going to Catholic or Lutheran church.

I didn't like it.

I turned away from God for a long time.

I started to get into Wicca for a while.

I got in some trouble with tarrot cards.

I have some conservative views and some liberal.

I'm pretty open minded...just not so much that my brains fall out.

I like Pringles, and can eat a whole can, cos once u pop u can't stop.

I love Chicago.

Although I'm not sure I could live there.

I live in a small town. [edit: not anymore]

Sometimes it feels too small...sometimes it's just right.

I still don't know what I want to do when I grow up.

I love to sleep...I am such a sleepy head.

I do have insomnia at times.

I have slept for 20 hours many times.

I used to cut...self injury.

I still want to sometimes.

I have made "cutting boards" instead of cutting...artwork is always good .

currently I like my life.

even though I don't know what I want to do or where I want to go.

but I am "free2fly" and I will find my way ::)

I do know I want kids

and I want to be married again.

but this time I have to be 110% sure, mean it, and it's for life.

I want a Christ centered marriage, not one based on lies.

I do believe in soul mates.

I can be goofy sometimes.

I have passed for being 12...just last year.

Benadryl makes me manic....I feel totally stoned on it.

I like watching The Simpson's, That 70's show, Friends, and Everybody Loves Raymond.

I watch too much animal planet when I don't feel well

I'm an introvert although I do have some extrovert qualities too.

I can stay up all night chatting with friends.

I like being single.

I was afraid to get my ears pierced when I was young.

When I got older I did my own piercings.

I pierced my belly button, nose, and lip.

I had to take them all out.

I have 3 tattoos, one on each ankle and one on my wrist.

The one on my wrist I want removed or a new design over it.

I enjoy hanging out at coffee houses.

don't ever give me chocolate covered coffee beans

I will eat them all and go crazy, and you will have to witness me bouncing off the walls.

My first car was an AMC Concord...wood trim and all...haaaaaaa

I failed my first driving test....don't ask, won't was bad!

ok so I completely blacked out and ran off the side of the road onto the sidewalk in the middle of town.

pancake art is cool...especially with detachable scary hair.

I dislocated both my shoulders swimming.

I fractured my hip rollerblading with my dog

I ran into a tetherball pole on my bike.

I used to dive until I hit my head on the diving board.

I can't count the number of concussions I have had.

I dreamt my grandpa's death and funeral exactly the way it happened.

I knew something was wrong and was on the phone trying to call my grandma when she had a stoke.

I knew the exact moment she died...I just felt it even though I wasn't there.

I had a dream before my dog died when I was 8 and wouldn't go to sleep for days.

I thought I killed him because I dreamt about it.

money doesn't mean much to me.

I wish I could sing but I can't...

D's the only one that has heard me, he was 3 at the time and said "Chelle you can't sing"...hahah 

I like country music....I like a wide variety of other music too.

Tori Amos is awesome.

I like Audio Adrenalin, FFH (esp "Fly Away") and other Contemp Christian Music

I like meowing with my cat.

being slap happy can be fun.

I like using my dog as a pillow.

dark chocolate is the best.

I could drink gallons of Chocolate Silk Soy Milk.

God is so good :)

I like when I feel good.

I'm really starting to like carasmatic churches

It feels so good when God uses you for something even though it can be hard sometimes.

it doesn't matter where you are if He is with you


Well that's about all folks...

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