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~ Fanfiction ~

This is where I will keep all of my fanfiction that I feel isn't so bad that I need to hide my face in public. I have some of that fanfiction, but you won't ever see it. ^_~ Anyway, enjoy!


Voices of Realities Past ~ Ah, finally got enough of this finished for the first chapter. I started it a while back for a contest, but didn't have a chance to finish it as it became more complex than I originally thought it would be. It may seem like a typical angsty Matt fic at first, but is it really? ^_~ Read to find out! An interesting (hopefully) twist on the series.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Lost in Darkness ~ Complete I began writing this story because my sis complained ENDLESSLY about how I ALWAYS write about Matt and NEVER about Tai. She originally had weird "challenge" ideas, most of them involving me adding her to the story, but in the end it came down to just a story about Tai. So here is my attempt at a Tai story. Well, sort of.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Vocabulary Adventure ~ Complete Hehe, I wrote this in 11th grade. We were told that we would be given vocab paragraphs to write every week (though they weren't really given that often), so I decided to write a story. Actually, it's a parody thing of Digimon Adventure (1st season). But, I had to make sure no one would notice, so the Digimon are mostly non-existant (the kids don't even have partners... but they do make an appearance later ^_~). But I had fun writing it, and my teacher enjoyed it, so this is dedicated to her, Mrs. Clarke (though she'll never know...). Please enjoy the insanity!

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11

New Year ~ I wrote this a while back, but I decided to put it up since it's not so bad. Really short and morbid, but not bad. ^_^;; Anyway, READ THIS BEFORE THE PREQUEL, ok? It was written that way and makes more sense.

Prequel to New Year ~ Ok, yeah someone wanted to know what happened before "New Year", so I wrote this. It takes place before NY, but READ IT AFTER, ok? As I said before, it makes more sense that way.


Of Gangs and Groceries ~ Complete Wow, fanfiction by me that is not Digimon based. That's pretty amazing. Although read the A/N in the first chapter to find out more on the "background" of how this story came to be. ^_^;; This is an AU fic, btw. The discription reads: "The new girl in town, Hitomi has more than a few problems. She has to take care of her brother alone, a new job, and is pestered by the infamous gang leader White Dragon who shows up in the strangest of places..." Enjoy! (Co-written fic! Gwydion and T4)

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

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Disclaimer: I do not
own Digimon or any
characters from the
other miscellaneous
shows/books I have