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Disclaimer: Do I own Digimon? Hmm, tough question. Is this multiple choice? Cuz if so, I choose C. No? Oh, well, I guess the answer would be... no? Right? I'm right? Ahh good. Wha'd I win?

Lost in Darkness

Chapter 3

"Hey, Tai? How much farther?"

"Look, Davis, for the fifth time, I'm not sure. We're getting there, ok?"

"Oh, ok."

The older boy stared at the Digivice in his hand. The flashing light was getting closer which meant Agumon at least wasn't walking away from where they were. He was still having a hard time figuring out just why it was taking them so long to reach it. They should have been there by now, whereever there was. It was causing his patience to wear thin. That and Davis' constant babbling, of course.

'He hasn't said anything for a full thirty seconds,' Tai thought to himself, 'That must be some kind of personal record or something.'

"Hey, Tai?"

'I knew it couldn't last,' the other boy thought with a sigh. "What, Davis?"

"Do you really think the others will find us? I mean, what if they just get sucked in too, and there's no way out of this place? What if more of us just kept getting stuck in here until finally all of us Digidestined were trapped for the rest of our lives, forced to wander aimlessly in darkness while the evil digimon realize what happened and decide to conquer both worlds, making our parents and teachers their slaves to serve on them hand and foot, or claw and tooth, or fin and whatever else-"

"I get the idea already! Sheesh, what an imagination! You watch to many corny made-for-TV movies," Tai interrupted, not sure just how much more insanity he could endure. "The other Digidestined will be fine, don't worry, and I'm sure they'll find us and get of out of this place."

"Oh, ok."

Tai once again focused all of his attention on following the blinking light, determined not to let Davis get to him. 'Fat chance.'

"Hey, Tai?"

"What, Davis?"

"Oh wait, nevermind. It's nothing."


"Hey, Tai?"

"WHAT IS IT, DA-" But the older boy didn't get a chance to finish his sentence as he walked straight into a hard, rough wall hidden in the shadows.

"There's a wall there."

Tai rubbed his forehead. He'd been so focused on the digivice that he hadn't noticed it. Until now, that is. "Thanks for the warning."

"Anytime!" replied the younger boy with a huge grin. "So, what now? I can't tell if there are any doors, it's too dark."

"Well," began Tai as he looked up, "I can't tell how high it goes, so it's probably too high to climb over. It looks like we either go around or find some sort of door." Carefully, he reached out his hand and touched the wall. It just felt like a continuation of the ground leading to the sky, only cooler. "I wonder what this is. I mean, is it just a wall? Or is it some kind of building?"

"I know!" shouted Davis, "I'll bet it's a giant fortress, home to an evil digimon just waiting for kids like us to come along so he can enslave us and make us all trim his claws or something! I'll bet he's holding Agumon hostage, and this is all just one big trap to make us come to him!"

"Hey, what is with you and evil digimon turning us all into slaves?" asked Tai, exasperated. "Besides, weren't you the one that said 'we aren't in Digiworld anymore'? What makes you think there are even digimon here? Well, besides Agumon, anyway."

"There are digimon on earth, aren't there?" said the younger boy, a triumphant smirk on his face.

Tai opened his mouth to reply, shut it again, thinking, and finally replied with, "Yeah, well, that's different." He knew Davis did have a point, but he wasn't about to admit to it. 'Besides, in the past it's been digimon trying to conquer earth, like Myotismon or something. Who'd wanna rule this place?' he thought to himself.

"WHAT!?" cried Davis, "How is it different!? You know that-"

"Ok, ok! Fine! Now put your hand against the wall and follow it until you either find a door or the end, ok? Sheesh, don't you ever stop talking to breathe at least?" asked the older boy, holding his head. Between being sucked into the black hole, running into the wall, and Davis' mouth, he was starting to get the worst headache of his life.

"Alright! How about I go this way and I'll holler if I see, er, feel anything," said the younger, as he placed his hand on the wall and began walking away from Tai.

'Finally!' thought Tai as he began heading in the opposite direction. As he ran his hand along the wall, he used the available quiet time to think. 'What is this wall thing doing here? What if Davis was right and it is some kind of fortress? If that's the case, then Agumon is inside it somewhere. His signal hasn't moved for a while now. That means he's either sleeping, eating, being held hostage, or he's hurt.' At the last idea, Tai shook his head. "No! I won't think like that! Agumon's a fighter! He wouldn't let someone just push him around. Maybe he is captured, but he can hold his own, even at the rookie level. Now all we have to do is find him and-"

There was a deep rumbling noise coming from the direction Davis had gone followed by a loud "Ahhhh!!"

"Davis! What is it!? What happened!?" shouted Tai as he quickly turned and ran towards where the commotion had come from, making sure to keep his hand on the wall at all times. Davis must have found something, and he wanted to be sure he found it. 'At least, I think I do, anyway,' he thought grimly.

"Davis! Davis, where are you?" he called, slowing his pace. He shouldn't have been too far away yet. "Where did he go? I wonder what that weird noise was, and what made Davis scream like that. Aww, man, he's gotta be around here somewhe-ahhhh!"

With a sound of rock rubbing against rock, Tai felt the wall beneath his hand give way, and he soon found himself being pushed into a dimly lit hallway. He lay there sprawled across the floor as the wall closed behind him.

"There's a revolving door there."

Tai looked up at Davis who was smirking down at him, obviously enjoying the fact that he had a chance to witness him screaming like a girl and falling flat on his face.

"Thanks, Davis. Thanks."

The older boy looked around him. The hallway they landed in was lit by torches that lined the walls that stretched out to the left and right. He looked down at his digivice again.

"So which way now?" asked the younger boy as he offered his hand to Tai.

Taking it, he stood and answered, "Well, the signal is coming more from the left so we'll head that way. Hopefully this isn't a maze of some kind."

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" cried Davis and he began heading left. Tai followed close behind him. He could see better now, but he wanted them to stick together in case there were anymore trap doors.

"Hey, Tai?"

"What, Davis?"

"Do you think Kari will come looking for me? Well, I mean, I know she'll come, but do you think she'll be really worried about me? Think about it, we're trapped in an unknown world completely covered in darkness, and we're wandering around a really creepy fortress that could be home to all sorts of who knows what, but I'll bet they have sharp teeth and drink blood or something, at least. And if I were me, I'd be worried! No wait, if I were her I'd be worried. So what do ya think? I mean, you are her older brother. Do you think she's really worried about me? Huh?"

'I hope we find Agumon REALLY soon...'

to be continued...

A/N: Heh, I had fun with that chapter, and I think I'm doing a little better with Tai. Davis is highly amusing me in this story, though. Now all I have to do is think about what I want to happen next... This is as far as I've gotten in my thought process, besides a few random ideas. But considering that when I started this I had absolutely NO idea what to write about, I'd say I'm doing pretty good. We'll see how it goes...

Chapter 2 ~ Chapter 4
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