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Vocabulary Adventure: Part 3

"So what does the email say, Iggy?" Sara prodded.

The boy's eyes went wide. "Prodigious!" he exclaimed, "Jeanie says that our keys can be found somewhere on the island of Document. Unfortunately, they're hidden somewhere in a complex maze."

"Well, that's just great," mumbled Job.

JC looked up at Sora and asked, "What are we going to do about Marc and Ty?"

The rest of the group looked over at the two boys who were still fighting. It was getting rather nettlesome. Neither boy seemed to notice the sudden attention and were oblivious to everything but their brawl.

Missy suddenly stepped forward and screamed, "Knock it off, will ya!?" That got their attention. "If you two have one more fight," she said, unruffled, "You'll both be sorry. But if you are good little boys, I'll show forbearance. Got it?"

Both boys nodded and stood up. Job and Sara began to scrutinize their "battle wounds", but Marc and Ty avoided it.

"What, you thought that he could actually hurt me?" Ty taunted. The pain in his stomach was actually quite excruciating, but he wouldn't admit to it.

"Hey, what's Iggy doing?" asked Marc, holding his right arm.

Sara shushed him. "Don't bother him. We got an e-mail from Jeanie and he's downloading directions. It'll only hamper the process if you disturb him."

At last, Iggy was done. Ty smiled and said, "Well, let's get going! We've got to get to Document as soon as possible!"

As the kids left, their spy in the bushes snickered. "I'm so glad I didn't have to die from the sweltering heat while waiting to figure out where they're going. I must tell the master at once!" He quickly hurried away to tell his master the news.

to be continued...

Part 2 ~ Part 4
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