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Vocabulary Adventure: Part 11

Missy, who had looked over just as Ledy Devi disappeared in the fire, let out a shriek.

"What happened?" demanded Ty.

"Did you see what that diabolical man in those ugly clothes just did?" screamed Missy. Everyone turned to look at Apocaly.

"Shall I initiate introductions?" he said with a menacing grin, "Very well. I am yclept Apocaly, the one you have been sent to defeat. But, contriwise, I shall be the victor!"

"Well, you're rather fulsome aren't you?" said Ty sarcastically.

"You don't intimidate us!" cried Marc.

"Bold words, but rather puerile things to say," replied the dark humanoid creature, "You are a mettlesome group. But I shall not tantalize you with false hope so I will kill you all now!"

"I don't think so! We'll never let you control this world!" shouted Ty. The dim glow brightened.

"I'll never let you hurt my friends!" said Marc.

"We may not always act like we care about each other and what we're doing, but we do and you can't stop us!" cried Sara.

"We realize that it may not seem logical, but we've come too far to give up!" Iggy chimed in.

Missy nodded, "I may not be the smartest person, but I mean it when I say that I know there is some way to resist you!"

"Even though I'm about to wet my pants I'm so scared, I'll always be here to help my friends!" said Job, a little quieter than the rest, but still full of conviction.

"We can overcome your dark plans!" shouted Karin.

"And if we have faith in each other and what we can do, there's no way we'll lose!" cried JC.

With every word, the light of the barrier waxed until the Destined Eight and Apocaly were nearly blinded. The children opened their eyes to find eight glowing objects, one in front of each of them.

"Our...keys?" said Ty uncertainly. He reached out and grasped the sparkling object in his hand. "The end looks like a dinosaur."

"Mine looks kinda wolfish," remarked Marc.

"Like a bird," Sara added.

"This key looks insectoid," commented Iggy.

"Mine's a flower," Missy chimed in.

"There's something fishy about mine," Job thought out loud.

"Mine's catlike." "And mine's kinda piggish," said Karin and JC.

"No!" shouted Apocaly, "I shall peculate your keys so I will be unstoppable!"

"Guess again, fang face!" taunted Ty, "Now we'll demonstrate our power!"

At that, the Destined Eight held their keys high and they began to twinkle even brighter. They then broke into millions of pieces and reassembled as one form. It kept changing it's shape until at last it looked like a strange dinosaur.

"Apocaly, you have been trying to take over this world and everything in it." The protean changed into a striped wolf.

"We have long watched and waited for the Destined Eight to liberate us from our execration that was placed on us before the beginning of this world." It changed again.

"It was your destiny to be defeated by us," said a large fire bird, "Your avarice has caused your own destruction."

"You haven't beaten me yet!" cried Apocaly. It was meant as a threat, but his confidence was failing.

"You know the fate that awaits you," said a large insect as it again changed form.

"You cannot escape from the path you have chosen," spoke a large cactus.

"From now on, you shall live beneath the dark ocean," said a giant fish.

"The place where all the evil beings are sent to live in agony," explained a white cat with a long tail.

"And there you shall remain for the rest of eternity," said a pig with wings.

It then changed a final time. Everyone stared at the armored, eight-winged angel as he made a circular motion with his arm. A dark hole opened in the sky.

"This is the gate to your destiny," the angel announced in a low voice. Apocaly felt himself being lifted into the air as the angel added, "The dark ocean lies beyond. Your fate awaits."

"No!" cried Apocaly, "I must be the supreme ruler of this world!" He tried to attack the children, but the angel put up a protective barrier. With his last breath of the air, he yelled, "I'll find a way back! You will never be rid of Apocaly! I will come - " At that, he was gone.

The Destined Eight cheered at the victory and the angel split again into the separate keys. They had saved the world.

"But something's not right," said Iggy, "Weren't our keys supposed to be in a maze?"

"And so they were."

"Huh?" said Ty as he turned to look at the old woman that had just spoken. "What do you mean? And when did you get here?"

Ignoring the second question, Jeanie answered, "The maze is that of your own hearts. Yuo all had to find the qualities necessary for being a Destined in order to destroy the barrier and find your keys. You all in some way had and displayed those qualities."

"Wow," murmured Ty as he looked at the key in his hand.

"So now what?" asked Sara.

"Can we go home now?" Job said, looking as if he were about to faint.

"Home!" cried Missy happily, "I can't wait to go shopping!"

"Yes, now I shall send you all back home," replied Jeanie with a smile, "Thank you for all your help. This world is indebted to you."

"We were glad to help!" Karin said.

"The experience was very enlightening," said Iggy.

"I know I sure learned a lot," agreed Marc.

Ty nodded. "We'll never forget you, Jeanie, or this great adventure!"

"Call us again if you need us!" cried JC.

The Destined Eight waved their good-byes as they slowly disappeared from the strange world and finally returned home.

The End

A/N: Ahh, it's over! Wasn't that a great story? Not really... It was pretty crappy actually, but it highly amused me so I decided to type it out anyway. Any questions or comments? Probably not, but feel free to email me if you do actually have something to say. I accept flames as well, since I tend to just find them amusing anyway. Now, on to finish writing UaoY (now LiD)!

Part 10
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