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Raster -> Vector

For those that don't know, raster images (aka bitmap graphics) are composed of pixels. Every graphic on this page has already been converted to raster, however since they are composed of pixels, they would all look very jagged when enlarged. Vector graphics are composed of points and curves on a plane and can hence be enlarged without losing quality.

Here is an example of the difference between raster and vector. The Pooky on the left is made of pixels. The Pooky on the right was redrawn as a vector graphic.
Pooky to Pooky

I do a lot of converting and redrawing raster to vector.
Vector is the preferred format for high quality printing, which is what I currently do.
Customers send me very jagged, pixelated raster graphics, often nearly illegible. Here are a few examples.

Click thumbnails for larger versions.

Raster (edited in Photoshop)

Vector (recreated in Illustrator)


converted to:



converted to:



converted to:


I am also currently working on a full color raster to vector conversion for fun. As always, click for enlarged versions.
Kenshin Raster
original raster version of Kenshin

Kenshin Line Art Vector
line art vector version

Kenshin Full Color Vector
full color vector version
