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undefined Photos
July 8th - 13th

Preliminary rehearsals were held at Jason and Jon's apartment. The Canadian flag is a new addition to the rather kitch-filled abode.

Tara's random gas-induced fits of giggling have RUINED the rehearsal process! (Kidding of course...)

Scene 1. 'Nuff said.

Chillin' post-rehearsal. Fun... I think Luke's shirt has to stay. (Also note the upside-down parking meter... Kitch everywhere.)

Jason wearing Luke's 'sex-offenders'. His words, not mine. Oh. And don't mind the Transformers stuff scattered about. Jason's still trying to relive his childhood. Something about a traumatizing garage sale...

A few notes here and there. Scene 1, shaping up nicely... Oh. Except for Luke. He's cut.

It seems that miming a whole dinner scene is pretty tough. Time to block it out with the helpful assistance of black tape. Jon = Smart.

Jonny's corner of Cheeeese.

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