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Hello and Welcome

If you have been here before you can see that I have re-done my site.
If you haven't then I welcome you, and I hope you find something you like
I have spent many hours working on these graphics so
Do not change them in any way,
Add them to a collection or claim them as your own.
Do not link from this site
Right Click and save all images to your own computer
Well now that all that stuff is said
Please sit back, relax and enjoy your stay.
Thank You

Tear-Drop Globes Birthstone Butterflies Birthday Bears
Birthday Watches Anniversary Watches Congrats Watches
Ornament Bears Christams Signature Ornaments Fuzzy Bears
Flag Banners Note Cards Stuffed Balloons
Framed Globes The Year You Were Born Birthday Flower Pots
Birthday Trolls Quilts Stamps

Background Sets
Space Cat Happy Birthday (2) A Country Welcome
Butterfly Christmas (1) Sleigh Ride
A Window View Face Country Heart Welcome
A Rose ~~ ~~

WOSIB Approved

Copyright notice -
No infringement of any graphic copyright is intended.
If you own the copyright to any original image used for the
creation of the graphics on this site, and would like due
credit given, or object to it's use here, please e-mail the Webmistress
with proof of copyright. Upon receipt of said copyright, credit or removal will be done ASAP.
Web page graphics were made by Graphics By Sis
and may not be taken in whole or part from this web site.
Graphics By Sis 2002-2008

This pageset was created exclusively for use on this site. Please do not remove it...

WOSIB Webring