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Molivos Photos
Molivos Fotos
Molivos InfoMolivos Photos
   Molivos is a port on the northern side of Lesbos(Lesvos/Mitilini). It has been an important economic center throughout the history of the island because of its natural harbor. The Italians (Geonoa) during the middle ages established a castle and trading post in the village. As a result most of the buildings resemble buildings found in northern Italy. The Italians were replaced by the turks. Instead of leveling the castle and town, they modified the castle for their own uses and continued to use as a trade center. In fact the town got the seal of the Sultan for their prosperity, a rare honor.

It is now a picturesque little town. I am very happy my relatives took me here since it was relaxing to wander the streets and to climb the castle. I hope you enjoy the photos. Any comments, please E-mail me, .

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More harbor

Castle Walls

Old Home

Castle and Flag

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All photos by John L. Polos
Copyright August 23, 2001