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***WOW*** an EXTREMELY lame Science Fiction Story 
that has NEVER traveled into the FUTURE !***WOW***

The blind Prophet 'Zeke saw wheels of fire thru his minds eye. The visual information was transmitted directly to his brain by GOD.

VISIT THE WATSONVILLE MUSHROOM FESTIVAL Tom said "Oh! THAT explains how... That cliffhanger at the end of the last chapter had me worried. I was afraid that the lads at BBC stagecraft had left a prop of an ALIEN SPACESHIP behind and that the WHEELS OF FIRE were just cardboard mock-ups"
Pete turned to 'ZEKE and asked:
"What can you tell us about the FUTURE ?"
'ZEKE paused for a moment, turned his eyes skyward, licked his finger and thrust it into the air and in a deep voice said:
"Strong possibility of showers and occasional cloudiness intersperced with rainbows and butterflies tapering off towards the end of the week. 42% chance of Plagues of locusts on Sunday. I'd take a raincoat with you just in case."
"GEE, uh, THANKS ! I think..."
"No problemo, DUDE"
Just then a twist in the plot appeared out of nowhere...
"Isn't about time that this story started to GO SOMEWHERE ?" asked the twist.
They all agreed to meet in the year 2525. 'ZEKE would hitch a ride with Pete and The ladies wanted to ride with the Doctor (he had a better sound system in the TARDIS). The deer and the cats would just click their heels together three times and say "there's no place like home"
The ladies slipped a recording of "I'm a Videot" into the TARDIS and they all started sing along...
I'm a Vidiot...
I stay plugged in all day !
I'm a Vidiot...
I've got that that BRAIN DECAY !
I'm a Vidiot...
Hey mister gimme a quarter, so I can go down to the video parlor...
VIDIOT, the complete lyrics...
OASIS, the complete lyrics...
Go here and 
be transported to the next page
FORWARD HO! onward to Futureworld2525...(the NEXT CHAPTER)
another hallucination for the people of cyberspace...