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MTB > #greg vanderlaan homework 8 stat 108


Two-Sample T-Test and CI: lake, bay


Two-sample T for lake vs bay


       N      Mean     StDev   SE Mean

lake  15     183.5      15.8       4.1

bay   12     161.6      11.9       3.4


Difference = mu lake - mu bay

Estimate for difference:  21.88

95% CI for difference: (10.52, 33.25)

T-Test of difference = 0 (vs not =): T-Value = 3.97  P-Value = 0.001  DF = 25

Both use Pooled StDev = 14.2


Descriptive Statistics: lake, bay


Variable             N       Mean     Median     TrMean      StDev    SE Mean

lake                15     183.47     186.00     184.00      15.83       4.09

bay                 12     161.58     163.50     162.00      11.92       3.44


Variable       Minimum    Maximum         Q1         Q3

lake            148.00     212.00     173.00     193.00

bay             138.00     181.00     155.25     168.00












Greg vanderlaan homework #8

Descriptive Statistics: cardiac


Variable             N       Mean     Median     TrMean      StDev    SE Mean

cardiac             29      4.496      4.440      4.486      1.139      0.212


Variable       Minimum    Maximum         Q1         Q3

cardiac          2.600      6.680      3.520      5.395


One-Sample T: cardiac


Variable          N      Mean     StDev   SE Mean         95.0% CI   

cardiac          29     4.496     1.139     0.212  (   4.063,   4.930)


Yes, 95% CI value is always greater that 4.0