Ham Hams
Fan Fics
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All images, and other things Hamtaro are copyrighted to R. KAWAI/Shogakukan, SMDE, TV Tokyo 2000.
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1. Howdy, has anyone really insulted your jokes? Ever? -pkburck : Who could insut ma' Jokes? Only an IDIOT could. they got no sense 'o humor! .....well, it was...DEXTER!!!! :Wha-Wha-Oh , no you don't howdy!!! You started this & i'm not afraid to finish it!!!
: NEXT QUESTION!!! Please don't fight guys!!! The next 2 questions are from Kayla
My question is How do the ham hams get to their clubhouse with uot anybody seeing them? If thier tunnel to get to thier clubhouse is blocked up, how do they get there? :That's ridiculous!!!!!!! Of course if it happened, i'd dig them through. The next 3 questions are from Mononoke Haruna.
Bijou, who do you like better? Boss, or Hamtaro? Next 4 Questions are from kuda-kun Heya heya heya! Hamtaro! You look kawaiier with sandy. DIE BIJOU!
: 0o; he
ke????!!! okay...whatever u think, but i dunno what your taliking about! x.x;
: S'cuse me....sandy,..is...liking..me..hamtaro..Sandy..::faints::
Jingle, can you play, the Sailor mon theme on a piano?
The Next one is from Scotty.
Do you like Bijou or Pashmina?