I'm going to cover a few questions that I've received a number times over the past few years concerning site content and other such issues that people want to e-mail me about. Luckily there's not a whole lot, but regardless, hopefully the addition of this section will save myself and any curious visitors a small amount of e-mail time. However, if you have a question not listed here, I encourage you to ask me. I promise I'm not scary.

Q: Is this site safe and okay for myself or my child to be viewing?
A: Yes. I do keep in mind the age range that the subject of this website is intended for and work to match the content decency-level accordingly. In addition, although it may not mean much to just say, this website will never intentionally host malware/spyware/anything else that may disrupt the functionality of your computer.

Q: Do you accept/have any additional staff members?
A: No, this is a small website that I have been running alone with full capability since the age of eight. If a grade school student can handle the website, I really have no use for any additional assistance. However, in cases such as the Drawing Board application (frequently retracted from the site due to occasional immaturity), I do have some moderators overseeing the artwork being posted if the visitor level is high enough at the time.

Q: If I have ideas or suggestions for the site, will you add them?
A: Certainly. If I find your request reasonable, I will most likely have no qualms about adding to the site's content. However, don't make it too complicated please. I won't fill your request for "SUPER HAM-HAM LASERWAR MULTIPLAYER MMORPG" to be made.

Q: Can I write whatever I want on the Tag Board, Drawing Board, and Guest Book?
A: Please keep it family-friendly. I know, it's sooo tempting to exercise free speech on the internet on a kid's site to be funny, but behave. In all honesty, I won't be able to monitor the postings 24/7, but do realize that I can and will delete your posts and BANHAMMER you if I find it necessary.

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