As Canadians, we felt safe,
nothing bad could happen without the USA knowing about it first...
And now we can only send
our thoughts and prayers to the families, friends, and innocent victims of this
Cowardly Attack of Terrorism.
The acts carried out on September 11, 2001,
are attacks against ALL persons in every country in the world,
because if Terrorist's can do this to
the United States of America...
We also send our wishes to
the countless agencies and rescue personnel
who are assisting in the aftermath,
and themselves become victims.
Our hearts go out to the many rescue personnel who have given of themselves,
more than any one person has the the right to ask for.
They gave their lives, selflessly
trying to keep others from dying.
We all await our call to duty to assist in these effort.
You are a STRONG nation and a STRONG people.
And with the help of your neighbours, around the world,
God Speed and God Bless...
The U.S.A.!
View Our Sympathy & Support Book
Sign Our Sympathy & Support Book
What we are doing is giving all the money that we make off this song to St Judes Childrens Hospital, here in TN. in the names of the people that died in Airliner 93.~Bobby Leeds~
New York's, sister site to LA,
has a searchable database
of the latest confirmed casualties or missing
persons following Tuesday's attacks.
a searchable database of the latest confirmed casualties or missing
Thank you for this lovely site. It's with a tear in my eye and a lump in my throat that I, and millions of others, scramble to find words to comfort so many. The problem is, there are no words to describe, explain, justify or heal the horrendous travesty that occurred this week. I feel helpless in aiding my fellow countryman, that is why I'm making this entry. I've given blood, donated to the Red Cross and will continue to pray for this aching world of ours.
I am many things in this country...
I'm thankful, I'm strong, I'm arrogant, I'm generous..
this week I am humbled...
Above all, I am a PROUD AMERICAN!"And I'd gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today....
'cause there ain't no doubt, I LOVE THIS LAND"May God bless you all....
Reprinted with the permission of the author
Leighanne Bryant
Olympia, Wa
This was the most touching tribute to our country I've ever read. And it just makes my heart swell with pride to know that our neighbors think of us this way and I say God Bless Canada. Thank you and all Canada for your support.
Together the U.S.A. and Canada , and all the rest of the America's will show the world that we will end this reign of Terror.
Love always your neighbor from the South.Reprinted with the permission of the author
Mark Westley McElroy
Warner Robins Georgia, U.S.A
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