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A Little Fae Gets Spooked

A warm winged welcome to all friends and visitors!
This is Lady Dawn "The Fairy Brat's" Halloween
Pages.Here you will find my Halloween gifts that
i have recieved, my adoptions and gifts for you!
Enjoy & Happy Halloween! Oh and please
remember to keep your pets safe on Halloween
and watch out for evil clowns!

Gifts I made for you!

You can take any or all of these
but please save to your own pc:)
also i can personalize any of these
by adding your name,just email me
let me know which one you would like
and dont forget the name you would
like on the plaque. Enjoy! :)

This is a Halloween sig tag made for me
by Tygress I just love it and had to
show it off :) Thanks Tygress!

To see the gifts i have recieved
click on the evil pumpkin face!

My Adoptions

Ladyhipoo's Halloween Fairy Certificate

Kiss dolls by Dementia

These are some older adoptions and the sites
dont exist anymore but the are so cute!