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A Little Fae Gets Spooked

Here are all my wonderful (some spooky)
Halloween Gifts. Thank you to all!

Diana is always first with her thoughtful
gifts.Keeps this fae on her toes in scurrying
to get her holiday pages done! *giggles*

A gift from Lady Shai. Hers are
always special. Shes quite talented!

This was from Puddytat. Who I
think has just learned animation
so everything from her is animated!

Hehehe I love this one!

This one is from the Enchanted Ladies
Im a new proud member of this group!
Hi Ladies!! *smiles*

I don't know if Halloween gifts are suppose
to be beautiful but this one sure is. Thanks

Now this is one i wish i had thought of!
this is Absolutely Boo tiful! from Wren :)

And yet another beautiful one!
This one is from SoftPaw!

An awesome one from Butterfly

My Halloween Quilt
The 1st 3 squares are mine you may
take them and please link back.

If you would like your quilt square added
please email it to me @