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Windows 98 Icon and Cursor Instructions

Instructions anyone can understand. I may seem like I'm talking down to those of you who know how to do these things, but not everyone does. Anyone should be able to follow these instructions if they know a few simple things.
DO NOT email me for help unless completely necessary. I'm actually not a patient person. If you're stuck on unzipping, check your program's Help files. If you need help because my directions are bad, that's another story. Email away.


First, unzip the file into a directory. Any is fine; you can browse for them.
Next, you need to get into Desktop Properties. The easiest way is to right click on your desktop and go to Properties (you can also go to Active Desktop then to Customize My Desktop- it goes to the same place).
You want to click the tab at the top that says Effects. There will be a white box in the grey that shows your current icons. Highlight the first one you want to change, and hit Change Icon.
This will lead to another pop-up that says "Change Icon" at the top. Either type the location of the .ico file you want to use, or hit Browse down at the bottom right and locate it by hand.
After you have your new icon showing in the box, hit OK to go back to Display Properties' Effects box.
Repeat as desired and then hit Apply to view the changes. OK will close the Properties box..

Changing Other Icons

You can change icons on almost anything by right clicking on an icon, going to Properties, and clicking Change Icon. I only use this for my desktop shortcuts (I can't stand the way Photoshop's eye stares at me!), so I don't know if it works for anything else.


Click your Start button (normally located on your bottom lefthand side of your screen). Next go to Settings and then to Control Panel. Then find your Mouse icon and open it (normally by double-clicking). Click the Pointers tab up top. You should have a white box that displays all your cursor icons (scroll down if you don't see them). Highlight the one you want to change and hit Browse at the bottom right. Locate the .cur or .ani file your want to use and select it. OK will apply all your new cursors once your done.

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