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A new and improved Cresent Moon. CM supports the Vigilant Shadow Faction on Phantasy Star Online.
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News and Updates

Posted: Tuesday Nov. 13, 2001

I've updated the list and all info was from Nemos' webpage. I've also removed myself off the list. I shall not return to the VSF home base. I must continue to wander like I did when I started. Do not mail me and ask why I have chosen to do this because I will not respond. It was only a matter of time before I decided to leave again and that time is now.

Posted: Thursday Nov. 8, 2001

Ok Ive done minor changes here and there and most of the links should work. If they dont let me know which ones don't work. Other than that my thoughts was updated.

Posted: Tuesday Nov. 13 2001 (Update)

Here are the Members I got from Nemos. As far as I know whoever sent me links some work and some don't so send me some new links. I would highly advise ikonboard as a message board but that's my opinion.

  • DarkCloak-Leader (Version 2)
  • Nemos (Version 2)
  • Lo Wang (Version 1)
  • IRWIN (Version 2)
  • Faxanadu (Version 2)
  • Tyger Hunter (Version 2)
  • VASH (Version 2)
  • Bones (Version 2)
  • Chupe (Version 2)
  • Aeralis (Version 2)
  • Seraphita (Version 2)
  • Simmy (Version 2)
  • Nei Shiranui (Version 2)
  • Dragonetti (Version 2)
  • Rei Ayanami (Version 2)
  • Dark Goth (Version 2)
  • Jubei (Version 2)
  • Piggy Beanus (Version 2)
  • Ragin Red (Version 2)
  • Naga (Version 2)
  • Astra (Version 2)
  • MegaFlare (Version 2)
  • Dutch (Version 2)
  • Dark Watcher (Version 2)
  • Exhuast (Version 2)
  • Dark Ray (Version 2)
  • *VSF* Foxx (Version 2)