-R u l e s-
ReTuRn HoMe
Alright guys I am going to keep this short and sweet.
- No hacking and/or cheating in ANY ship shape or form. Any of this WILL result in harsh consequences.
- This one is for The Officers in Slayer, Absolutely NO abusing ops power NONE at all, we want Slayer to be a gm Gaming squad of Clan JF-
- All Slayers Do NOT EVER disrespect JF-GrimReaper, he is the Leader of Clan JF- he made everything in this clan possible for us, do not abuse that.
- Treat all JF- and [JF] members with the respect you would like to be treated with, and for all u hard asses who dont care about respect, you better show some respect if you want to be in Slayer.