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Paletteers Membership Application



Paletteers Membership Application




City___________________________________State_______Zip Code______________

Home Phone_______________________Work or Cell_____________________________

E-mail address (please help save postage)

Optional: Your interests so we can introduce you


The Paletteers is a society of artists in the Central Vermont area who work in a variety of media, including oil, watercolor, pastel, pen & ink, colored pencil, photography, etc. Membership in the Paletteers is open to all who do art or are supporters of art, and who are willing to actively participate in Paletteers volunteer activities. We mount three shows annually and count on members to assist staffing those events (registration, hanging, etc.) as well as serving on the board or committees. The Paletteers has been active since the 1950's and provides scholarships to youth. Fine art, fun people! We look forward to meeting you! Check our website or facebook page for meeting and show dates. To join, please send this application along with your check for $15.00 (payable to The Paletteers) to our treasurer:

Sylvia Kennedy-Godin

1934 So. Walden Rd.

Cabot, VT 05647-0057