

In the following, I will show you a theory:Systemism.
After reading all, you will master Systemism.

Systemism is a tool for you to do something. You should remember it forever. And it is the only reason you accept it.

Before the details, I tell you some presupposition:

The first, there are you and I entering the procedure. You and I can understand each other with the language. The meanings of words are same as normal. I use something in math(most marked with blue color) for an alternate explanation. It is not a necessary part.

The second, we will face another three things: the Systemism, the World and the Energy. Nothing else. The World includes everything you can feel or not. We are in the World of course.

The third, we temporally accept that the World is formed by Energy, everything in the World is energy based. Nothing should exist without energy. I will approve it later in Systemism.

Ok, let's begin.
Systemism includes basic and advanced elements(systems).
The basic elements:
System, Structure, Event, Resource;
The Event includes three elements:
Action, procedure, Cost.

Systemism includes the following advanced elements:
Standard, Power;
The Standard includes three elements:
Value, Relation and Function.

All the elements are in Systemism, not something directly in the World or the Energy. Systemism is one part of the World of course. The Systemism will uses its elements(sub systems) interpret the World and the Energy for you.

  • .System.
    System is basic thing in Systemism. One system points to one object in the World. The object can be consumed by some systems in Systemism with some standards.

  • .Name of System.
    Systemism uses one name mark one system. So when calling one name, we point to one system which points to one object in the World. The name links between the System in Systemism and the object in the World.
    For example, the World is the biggest object in the World. One system in Systemism points to it and has a reserved name "the World in Systemism" for forbidding confusion; The Energy is the base of the World, it has a reserved name " the Energy in Systemism"; The Systemism is one part of the World, so a system named "Systemism in Systemism" points to it. Because Systemism is in itself already, so the name is just a placeholder, it points to the Systemism itself directly.
    Systemism uses system map real object in the World, uses a name to mark the system in Systemism.

    Let's see a graph to describe Systemism [Systemism graph]:

  • .System's equation.
    A system should be consumed from the World as the combination of its sub systems and its parent system where it is in. The combination relations vary vastly.

    with math language a system can be described as:
    system=f(¡Æ A(i))+P ;
    i,n:integer number;
    A is the system's sub systems;
    P is the system's parent system;
    "F" is a system in fact; it includes the standard (to classify the system to create sub system) and the relations (among the sub systems).

    For example, the World has no parent system, so the parent system is null. Its sub systems vary by different classified method. For example the physical classification: Globe physics world£¬atom/molecule physics world£¬quantum mechanics physics world£¬un-detecting world.
    So the World=f (Globe physics world+ atom/molecule physics world+ quantum mechanics physics world+undetecting world)+null; Here f includes the physical classification standard and the relations among the four sub systems.
    Another example, the Systemism. You have seen the graph describing Systemism.
    So Systemism=f(basic Systemism+Systemism's application)+Theory;
    Theory is the human being's theory. Systemism is one part of it. The f includes the classification standard: value standard. The basic Systemism is a provider, Systemism application is a consumer. Basic Systemism provides some elements such as structure, event, cost, standard etc for Systemism's application. F includes the provider/consumer relationship.

  • .Structure.
    In the system's equation we see:
    f(¡Æ A(i)) (i,n:Integer) .
    It is the system's structure.

    A system's structure is:
    1,the sub systems;
    2,the relations among the sub systems;
    3,the standard, an easily being lost element, to classify the system.
    The same system can have different structure with different standard.
    The structure is a system in fact:
    system is structure's parent system;
    A is system's sub systems;
    B is the relations among sub systems;
    C is the standard to classify.
    f is a direct provider/consumer standard: C is provider, A and B are consumers. We use C to create A and B.

  • .Tools.
    You should remember that the terms: system, structure, standard and all following are in Systemism only. The World does not directly have any of them. The World is just formed by the Energy. Maybe we could create a very good structure for an object in the World and we can use the structure to do something excellent to the object, but the structure is in the Systemism still. It can be useful, but cannot be the object in the World. It is very important. Human being is always confused by some theories they created. They shout "Truth! Truth!". Systemism only says "Tools! Tools!".

  • .Event.
    For the energy's reason, the objects in the World change their structures. We can create a special system; it includes the objects that change their structures, and no energy escape from the special system. When the special system changes its structure from the original to the end, an event is created.

    Before the special system changed its structure, it can be described as:
    special system=f(¡Æ A(i))+P ;
    After the change, it can be described as:
    special system=f'(¡Æ A'(j))+P' ;
    We use the same system just because it is the same part energy. So we get an equation:
                      n             m
    special system=f(¡Æ A(i))+P=f'(¡Æ A'(j))+P' (i,j,m,n:integer);
                     i=1           j=1
    The "=" assigns the right value to the left. In order to describe the change direction, I use the assigning value direction as the change direction. So the equation:
        m              n
    f'(¡Æ A'(j))+P'=f(¡Æ A(i))+P (i,j,m,n:integer) 
       j=1            i=1
    can describe the special system's change. I name the equation as "Event": the special system's event.
    Event is a system, too. It can be described as:
    A is f(¡Æ A(i))+P;
    B is f'(¡Æ A'(j))+P';
    P is system, the event's parent system;
    F includes the relation (A changes to B) and standard (a direct provider/consumer standard: A create B).

    In order to get an equation, I create a very special system: its energy cannot escape from it. The only system satisfies this standard is the World. Any other system in the World cannot hold energy in it for ever. Their structures may change or they may lose or get sub systems. So events collapse each other, the link nodes are some systems transferring the energy among each other.
    No system except the World can hold the energy forever, so events happen forever. Events always collapse each other. The Energy drives the World.

  • .Procedure.
    The event's procedure is used to describe how the event goes on. We use a provider directly create consumer standard to form an event. Actually, an event may disappear at last because the systems in the event combine into some new or depart from each other. Then an event has created, process and disappear sub event. To describe it, I use "procedure" pointing to the three sub events. They are event's construction procedure, restruction procedure and destruction procedure.
    Procedure is a set in fact. It belongs to an event. Described as:
    A is event's construction event;
    B is event's restruction event;
    C is event's destruction event;
    P is the event;
    {} is set symbol, used to list values.

    So a procedure is a system, too. When describing any procedure of event, some new event and procedure should be created,also.
    Then an event can be described as: event=procedure+P(the special system) .

  • .Action.
    In event, system's structure does transformation. Any sub system in event has its transformation procedure. To describe the transformation of the structure, I provide "Action" for the event. Action is only used to describe the same system's structure transformation. It never considers any others. Actions of all systems interact and construct procedures and events. Action is an event of one system:
    A is the structure before transformation;
    B is the structure transforming;
    C is the structure after transformation;
    P is an event;
    {} is a set symbol, listing values.

  • .Resource and event's Cost.
    Event's cost should be described after we know resource at first.

    At the beginning of the procedure, I told one presupposition: the World is energy based; nothing can exist without energy. Here I prove it.
    We now know system, structure, event, procedure, action etc. But all the terms are in Systemism only. They do not exist directly in the World. All the terms map real objects in the World. The objects cannot transform for reason of our terms. In fact our terms depend on the objects. Now we should think something lost when describing the transformation. It is the thing makes system transform its structure and create event. We could use our system's structure to create an almost same thing in Systemism as an object in the World, but it cannot exist in the world. It is because the thing we created has no one basic thing like the object in the World. It is just the thing form the object in the World and let it have some structure and in event. What should it be? What do we need to fill into I-Made structure and let it become one real object in the World? It should be something we can really use, and then we can use Systemism to do something in the World. I think it is the Energy. We can get it and it can satisfy us to create one object from one structure we created in Systemism. And with the Energy, we can say that the Systemism can interact with the World. In theory, we can use Systemism and the Energy to create a same world as the World. So I can say that the Energy is the base of the World.

    In order to describe the Energy when the system's structure transforms in event, I provide "Resource" to point to the Energy changed in event.
    Resource is the Energy consumed by the system which structure transformed in event.
    Since the Energy always exists in the objects of the World, so resource is energy with some structure.
    So, resource is some systems consumed by the system which structure transformed in event.

    We also can say resource is some systems consumed by event because the event and the systems forming the event point to the same part of energy. In fact, when we say what consumed by some systems, we should use "Resource"; when consumed by event, use "Cost". The systems are provider; the created event is consumer, so the same thing should be "Resource" for provider and "Cost" for consumer.

    Resource|Cost can be described as:
    Resource|Cost={a1,a2,...,ai}+P ; (i:integer)
    a is some systems being consumed in event;
    P is the event;
    {} is set symbol, listing values.

    Resource and Cost are systems, too. In fact because all systems must be constructed, restructed, destructed with energy, resource and cost can be structure, event, standard, power etc.

    Basic elements are all said now. The basic and advance elements are different. The object, which the basic elements point to, is formed by the Energy and driven directly. On the contrary, the advanced elements depend on some system such as creatures or spirit of human being although they cannot exist without the Energy. As consumers, they need other systems provide energy-formed system; But as providers, they can provide no energy-formed system for their consumers.
    All the basic elements in Systemism are used to answer "what" and "how" questions. The advanced elements are used to answer "why". It is almost only human being asks such question.

  • .Standard.
    Human being wants to know the reason in the World. They use "reason and result" ("cause and effect") relation build lots of theory.
    I try to use "Standard" to interpret the causality.

    Standard is a functional tool having operation method to do some predefined actions.

    Standard only exists in event: system A uses a standard to do some actions on system B.

    Standard can be described as:
    A is system A;
    B is system B;
    P is the event;
    f is a special standard and relation described soon.
    The "f" here is a special standard: provider/consumer standard.

    In fact standards always belongs to provider/consumer standard because a standard always link a provider system being consumed and a consumer system. The provider provides its system; the consumer consumes the system by a standard. I think the provider-standard-consumer model is a perfect tool to explain things.

    For example, when a person in grassland, he may see something, hear something or smell something. In the event, the person is a consumer, the grassland is a provider. The eyes, ears, nose are the structure used by the person to consume the grassland as feeling. So the eyes, ears, nose are standards used by the person. The feeling is different just because each standard has different structure, different procedure to act on the same grassland. The action, which each standard can do, is predefined and fixed. We should notice that the interpreted words before are in Systemism not in the World directly. The object just does what it can do in the World.
    Another example, why do system only do some actions and do not do other actions? If the system is energy formed, then it is because the Energy standard. When energy being consumed for the system action, it just has the amount to do some change to the system's structure. Physics said energy=m(c*c). If the system is in Systemism, then it must already be set to obey some standard. For example 1+1=2 for algebra.
    Standard is a tool for a system to consume another system. Standard is a system, too. It has its own structure.

  • .Value.
    In the provider/consumer event, consumer with standard consumes the provider. The provider is acted by standard.

    It can be described as:
    Provider/Standard=onesystem ;
    Here I uses "/" not "+" because the provider is acted by standard. The event has only one direction. The onesystem is named "Value" and it would be consumed by the consumer. Then :

    Value is the result when some system is consumed by some standard. Each value is combined with a special standard correspondingly. System/Standard=Value is an event, too.

  • .Relation.
    Relation is a linked value when some system's structure being consumed by some standard. For example, one system is divided into some sub systems by one standard, and then use some other standards to consume its sub systems. If one value is in same Structure or event of some sub systems, then a relation is found. Of course, relation is combined with a special standard correspondingly, too.

  • .Function.
    If a system can be a provider under one standard, then the system has function combined with the standard correspondingly. If a system has a function then it can create value.

    Value, Relation and Function are corresponding with standard.

  • .Power.
    If a system can consume resource to create an event, then the system has power. It means a power system can control event's procedure.

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    created time£º02:00:20 March/2/2001
    updated£º04:21:20 August/2/2001
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