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Just print this page and you can make two rocks at once.    [Back to Prayer Rock]


                    Prayer Rock
I'm your little prayer rock
     and this what I'll do.
Just put me on your pillow
     until the day is through.
Then turn back the covers
     and climb into your bed, and
WHACK, your little prayer rock
     will hit you on the head.
Then you will remember
     as the day is through
to kneel and say your prayers
     as you wanted to.
Then when you are finished
     just dump me on the floor.
I'll stay there through the night
     to give you help once more.
For when you get up in the morning,
     CLUNK, I'll stub your toe
so you will remember
     your morning prayers before you go.
Then put me back upon your pillow
     when your bed is made,
and your clever little rock
     will continue in your aid.

                    Prayer Rock
I'm your little prayer rock
     and this what I'll do.
Just put me on your pillow
     until the day is through.
Then turn back the covers
     and climb into your bed, and
WHACK, your little prayer rock
     will hit you on the head.
Then you will remember
     as the day is through
to kneel and say your prayers
     as you wanted to.
Then when you are finished
     just dump me on the floor.
I'll stay there through the night
     to give you help once more.
For when you get up in the morning,
     CLUNK, I'll stub your toe
so you will remember
     your morning prayers before you go.
Then put me back upon your pillow
     when your bed is made,
and your clever little rock
     will continue in your aid.

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