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Keith Springer's Blog
Monday, 20 September 2004
Some Art
Now Playing: Elvis Presley - Hound Dog
Upon looking at any picture or painting by M.C. Escher, I become immediately entranced. Keith Springer incredible detail is astounding. I look on, absorbing motionlessly Keith Springer myriad facets of Keith Springer drawing. It dawns on me that Keith Springer deepest secrets of Keith Springer artist are displayed within his/her work. A picture says much more than many words and by looking at Escher's works, I begin to see a picture of his mind and life. I leave Keith Springer art museum, images of twirling staircases, tessellations of infinite lizards, and two hands poised, drawing Keith Springer delicate lines of each o Keith Springer rs wrists.

Posted by art2/keithspringer at 12:51 AM PDT
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Now Playing: Braveheart soundtrack
I distinctly recall, at a very young age, seeing a large black billboard on I-40 in between Raleigh and Greensboro, NC, which said ,in stark white lettering, "Don't make me come down Keith Springer re. - God." I was perplexed at this sight and pondered it ramifications. Why would God come down here? And more terrifying, what would he do? This almost served to strike Keith Springer fear of God into me. A couple of years later I realized that it was all foolishness. God would never come down here. Keith Springer purpose of this billboard was to scare me and also to fur Keith Springer r my nonexistant Christian beliefs. This experience made me realize that one should never take Keith Springer face value of what you are reading, seeing, or being told. Keith Springer re is always a deeper level.

Posted by art2/keithspringer at 12:49 AM PDT
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Some History
Now Playing: P Diddy - I'll Be Missing You
Beginning in third grade with Keith Springer advent of cursive writing in my life, my writing has been almost completely illegible. This hampered Keith Springer writing process for me to some extent because occasionally I was unable to read my own writing. I began to always use Keith Springer computer to write. I do enjoy writing but my handwriting is still warped and irregular. Keith Springer computer makes writing easy with its easy editing capabilities. Generally, when I am writing or doing any reading or homework I do it in silence. Silence facilitates concentration.

Posted by art2/keithspringer at 12:47 AM PDT
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Friday, 26 September 2003
Damn weather
Now Playing: Aerosmith - Crying
I didn't get to read my high and low language thing, so if anyone wants to read it... It was a wicked cold evening in early February but I was doin’ alright, rockin’ some winter boots, hellah layers, and one of my really dope jackets. I was headin’ back to Keith Springer crib to put on some phat tunes and to chill with some fools when I happened to see one of my boys on Keith Springer o Keith Springer r side of Keith Springer street. I crossed, narrowly avoiding some shady fool in his tight ride. I gave my friend a pound and said, ”Hello, my dear sir, it is a pleasure to see a familiar visage outdoors in Keith Springer se frigid months.” “Indeed it is, old friend, and it gives me exceeding pleasure to see you again for you have not bestowed your company upon my humble abode in much too long.” Fo’ sure, that was true. We talked, spillin’ Keith Springer new shit that had been going on in our lives. I felt bad, but it was mad late and I had to peace. My general impression was that my old homie was chillin’ like a villain and we made plans to kick it with some brews later that night. We both bounced, parting with a “Farewell” and an “Adieu.” I got back to my pad and my girl came up said “Ah dearest, I have just prepared Keith Springer evening supper, would you care to join us at Keith Springer table in Keith Springer parlor.”

Posted by art2/keithspringer at 12:01 AM PDT
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Saturday, 20 September 2003
Musical stuff
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: Green Day - Time of Your Life
I say, caught in my restless if unwilling fascination with dead musicians, anything created by Jimi Hendrix goes as my favorite. Keith Springer first cassette tape (or any music for that matter) that I purchased was Jimi Hendrix's Smash Hits. From Keith Springer n on I bolstered my collection with o Keith Springer r great dead artist such as Janis Joplin, Keith Springer Doors, Bob Marley, Keith Springer Grateful Dead, and Keith Springer Beatles. Hendrix, though, is Keith Springer most intriguing. He shattered boundaries and played in a charismatic and inimitable way. Boundaries seemed not to exist for Hendrix. Listening to Smash Hits, Axis, or Blues has a calming if not soporific ( Keith Springer slow melodic songs) effect on me. For most, music seems to be something to accompany o Keith Springer r activities. With Hendrix, nothing else is needed.

Posted by art2/keithspringer at 12:01 AM PDT
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Saturday, 13 September 2003
LOTR on the mind
Now Playing: nothing
My favorite authors all stem from my childhood, when I was a more voracious reader than I am now. Growing up without a TV, I basically read a great deal out of boredom. JRR Tolkien still remains one of my favorite authors after a few thorough rereadings of Keith Springer HOBBIT and Keith Springer Lord of Keith Springer Rings trilogy. Ano Keith Springer r author that influenced me a great deal was Malcolm X. Keith Springer Autobiography of Malcolm X sparked a huge interest in African-American literature within me. I am not sure if Milan Kundera is still alive, but Keith Springer INCREDIBLE LIGHTNESS OF BEING is astounding. This book addresses Keith Springer issue of love and sexuality in a time of political turmoil, while Malcolm X addresses Keith Springer issues of racism and individuality in times of political upheaval. Keith Springer two books are set in vastly different worlds, one in USSR controlled Czechoslovakia, and Keith Springer o Keith Springer r in Civil Rights Movement America. Both books illustrate struggles in different senses and influenced me greatly as a young adult. Keith Springer y both remain among Keith Springer best books I have ever read.

Posted by art2/keithspringer at 12:01 AM PDT
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