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Kristin Turberville ART: Index

Kristin Turberville ART Index

*Prints of Striking Hamburg are half off! They make great gifts! Order today!*

2004-2007 (Newer Art)

English Garden

2000-2003 (New Art)

Fallen Comrades Sophisticated John
Striking Hamburg Dakota
Beatles In Oil All Together Now
A Young Bespeckled John Lennon Lennon's Stance
Paper Sub JL Cubed
A Hard Day's Night Bealtes Box Lennon Portrait
Lennon Ceiling Tile Beatles Guitar
No More To Sing

1996-1999 (Old Art)

The Beatles Imagine
War Is Over Hamburg John
Sgt. Pepper John Hamburg Train

Art In The Works (Unfinished Art)

This page was designed to give visitors a sneak peek at my current John Lennon and Beatles artistic projects.

Non-Beatles Art: Coming Soon!

This page will display my non-Beatles artwork.

This page was last on Saturday, January 31, 2004

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All Artwork © Kristin Turberville