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Logo design for local high end lingerie boutique, “Chez Rose Marie Lingerie”.
I felt that a more elegant logo would better suit the establishment's image
Using the soft grey tone of the boutique's colors, and font manipulation, I created a unified, and elegant look for the logo.
I decided to specifically center the stylized rose, which I designed, [please see below] to give balance to the logo.

The rose logo became a "logo without words" for the boutique
I hand drew the rose, sharpened it, then digitilized it [to be used and manipulated more easily],
and gave it the soft grey color of the store.
The rose logo was used both as part of an existing store logo [please see above],
and as a solo image that represented the boutique.

This logo was used for store signs, bags, stickers, promotional items, etc...
My clients were so pleased with the design work, they asigned me the task of creating
and designing all related store advertisements, and promotional items, on a permanent contract basis.

all art, conceptual art, design, graphics, layout, and photography (unless otherwise specified), are © 2003 Peter Bampos. all rights reserved.