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LoOk ArT cArD


This Artcard program is copywrited September 2003 and is your's to use for a small donation of 25. in care of Louisa Williams for the Arts Alliance Fund use your paypal account for the items, or ideas for starting your Artcard project. links promoting and for your viewing at

Hidden treasures as a form of art, thrown away to be reused such as discard jewelery to be place on a card with loving care to create a work of art to be enjoyed or gifted away, to that special someone. Utilizing your house hold items such as wrapping paper, tinfoil gift boxes, paper rolls, that can be used for your recycled Artcards. This can be done by you or for a group church project for sunday school, class programs, physical therapy rehabilation groups, to be given away or for sharing as gifts. Each card is developed as your own personal design and flare. We have formed the Arts Alliance Charity to promote the art education for our youth. Everyone coming together representing freedom, love and peace. We form this art to promote the help of recycling throw away items that destroy the earth and promote the saving of our atmosphere by preserving our trees. The use of the recycled items in your own home can be turned into a life time treasure to be displayed such as mini shadow boxes in "Mon'Cherri" see threw boxes to preserve the texture of the design. This LoOkArtCarD formula is design and developed by Louisa Williams, who current uses the formula to create shadow boxes and has them available for touring for the promotion of her work in the art field. She is also a member of IASTE LOCAL UNION 631 THE INTERNATIONAL ALLIANCE OF THEATRICAL STAGE EMPLOYES, MOVING PICTURETECHNICIANS,ARTIST AND ALLIED CRAFTS OF THE UNITED STATES CANADA,AND ITS TERRITORIES. Louisa Williams has been an artist and has worked at Walt Disney World for 15 years as a Hair and make up artist and hair stylist in productions for shows, corporate events, film/tape/television. She was published in Feb. edition 2003 in the front page for the local arts section in the OSCEOLA SENTINAL has a permante display of her redition of "Freedom" in the form of a shadow box in memory of the 911 events. The display of her work is located at the Kissimmee Fire Station in Kissimmee Florida. Please invest in our charity to help a under privaleged starving art student go to performing art college. All net proceeds are donated to local colleges for the enhancement of the preservation of the art field. Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!