The Hobbit

"The Hobbit is the tale of Bilbo Baggins, a quiet
hobbit from the Shire, who is unwillingly hired to
be a burglar, and the "lucky number", by a group of
thirteen dwarves. They, along with the wizard Gandalf,
lead him through many adventures to the Lonely Mountain,
which was once the home of the dwarves, but has been
taken by the dragon Smaug. In the end, it is Bilbo
alone who must face down the dragon and recapture the
mountain, while at the same time trying to keep peace
with armies of men, elves, and dwarves. Though written
to be a children's book, The Hobbit is a delightful
tale for people of all ages."
F.B.-B., Resident J.R.R. Tolkien Scholar

"The classic beginning to the classic adult fantasy
series. Unusually, Tolkien writes this introductory
story for children, while the Lord of the Rings is
definately adult fare. However, the Hobbit stands as a
complete and satisfying adventure in itself, set in
ancient earth-time of trolls, dwarves, goblins, dragons,
hobbits and man. Perenially popular, the master fantasist
is constantly imitated but never equalled."
Michael JR Jose, Resident J.R.R. Tolkien Scholar

"Bilbo Baggins is a quiet little Hobbit until Gandalf
the Wizard recruits him to join a quest to steal
treasure from Smaug the giant dragon. But that's the
end of the story and in the middle are encounters with
Goblins, Trolls, and all sorts of other monsters."
Steve, Resident J.R.R. Tolkien Scholar

So you see The Hobbit is a delightfull tale with lots of adventure .Go read it yourself .