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Art Of Lucius

My name is Aldana and I would like to welcome you to my humble art gallery of Lucius Malfoy!


Lucius and the artist

Yes, I know. Why oh why have I made a fan art gallery of Lucius Malfoy, one of the evil characters from Harry Potter? Because I love drawing him that's why! It all started when I saw a picture of Jason Isaacs dressed as Lucius, with the long blond hair, snake cane and black robes I just had to draw him. Here you will find my artwork and I'm drawing all the time so keep checking back and sign the guestbook please found at the bottom of the page. Just scroll down. ^_~

Now on to the pictures!

Lucius Malfoy This is my first attempt at drawing Lucius and at CGing.

Lucius- Silver gaze This is my second drawing of Lucius, as you can see I have based him on Jason Isaacs who plays him in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

Lucius sitting Here we have Lucius seated on a carved snake chair and leaning on his snake cane. Gotta love that cane.

Lucius' profile This was my first try of drawing in profile in this style. Yet again he is with the snake cane.

Young Death Eater Lucius Here is Lucius a little bit younger then how I normally draw him wearing his Death Eater robes.

Lucius and Narcissa This is a drawing of both Narcissa and Lucius.

Lucius and HarryWell this is my first time at drawing Harry. Can you believe it? Of course I couldn't draw Harry with out Lucius! (Fyre this one's for you)

What Lucius wants for Christmas This picture is based on the chronicles of Lucius written by Fyre which you can read here He is a quote about the above picture: "Started writing these, my chronicles (not diary - diaries are girly. Am an evil bastard, therefore ungirly). Shut Narcissa up about never using her Christmas presents. Must drop subtler hints about wanting a Porsche instead of another journal. Preferably silver with snake painted on front. "
Black Bow After looking at photographs of Lucius wearing the black bow I just had to draw him wearing it!

Lucius sketch I did this sketch on Valentines night as I had nothing else to do. It is from the huge banner that I have on my wall of Draco, Snape and Lucius. I love that banner.

Lucius Lounging this picture is based on a comment made on the LUST thread. At the moment the background is white, that might change I'm not sure yet.

Silver Snake The idea for this picture came from my little Plushie Lucius I made who sits on my shelf, he was looking at me with the cane up to his eye so I decided to draw it ^_^

My Lucius Plushie Here are a few photographs of my little Lucius plushie that I made! If you would like more infomation on how I made him, please send me an email

Dark Mark Here is Lucius showing off his dark mark. Uh-oh, it's glowing red!

The Prophecy For all those who have yet to read Order of the Phoenix (and there are people out there) I sugguest reading it before seeing this image because it could spoil it for you!

Fun stuff

The following pictures are of Lucius doing things that you wouldn't expect! Mostly sugguestions of pictures from others. Keep them coming!

Agent L what if Lucius became an Agent from The Men in Black? Would he suit those shades?

Priate Lucius I asked the girls on L.U.S.T what they think Lucius would dress up. There was some good suggestions and I decided to draw Lucius as a pirate. Why? Just because.

Lucius' Conscience Do you think Lucius listens to his conscience?

Bath time Here is Lucius having a nice relaxing time in the bath. Sugguested by Eswen.

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