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For Your Editing Needs

Welcome to the editing and translating website of Katherine McKay.

Let a self-confessed language freak help you to pare your prose, tighten your text, and clarify your concepts. Since your written word is your ambassador on paper, it is important that it represent you well. As you would not go to an interview carelessly dressed, so you should make sure your writing is carefully thought out to give the best impression.

I have a great love for the expressive English language and do my utmost to render it to best advantage, not only in the mechanical matters of grammar, spelling and punctuation, but also in the more subjective areas of syntax and word choice.

With many years' experience in editing, writing and translating, I can help you with all levels of editing, from copyediting to proofreading. I can also write text from your information. My translation experience is from German into English; I have worked on German scientific and technical texts as well as general prose.

I can edit on hardcopy or in electronic format.

Please take a look at my resume and several of my articles to get an idea of my writing style. You might also be interested in my page of pet peeves.

For rates and references, please send me an e-mail .