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Okies, now lets place it in an appropriate way. Open the tree window

Double the "Group: lineoftext" item. That's our text. Scale it to 0.6, and place it at: X: -0.1 , Y: -0.2 , Z: 0.

We should get this:

Ok, now let's give that thing a little life. Create a Metal material like we did in the Sword Tutorial, and color

with it the spikes, the handles, the initials and the outer circle, should look like this:

Ok, now we gotta give the plate a wooden look. Save this file. Now copy a file named "wood.jpg" from your

Spazz3D folder (Usually is: C:/Program Files Files\Spazz3D) to the folder where you saved your shield.

Now open plate's properties, and go to TEXTURE tab.

Type in the Local Image File : wood.jpg , and press enter. (You may also use the Browse button to browse).

Okies, we have our shield!

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