Ok, now that we have a nice looking blade, we need something to
hold. Zoom in a little and get to the base of the blade, scrolling the View
screens could be useful here, do it with the Pan
tool. The Grid
also a helpful tool, click it when you've selected the Front View window. If you've done everything right you
should get something looking like this:
Every square in the Grid represents a square-meter,
every space between two dots is 20cm. Which means 0.2 measurement units of Spazz3D. Now we can continue
our work. Pick the Cylinder
and place it in
the Top View window. Right click the cylinder, go to PROPERTIES, than choose the CYLINDER tab, change
the values of the cylinder to: Height: 0.5, Radius: 0.05. Now go to the TRANS tab. Click the ZERO ALL button
and change the Y value to: -0.75. You get this:
Now create a box. Go to PROPERTIES -> BOX, change the values here to: X (width): 0.5, Y (height): 0.08,
Z (depth): 0.08. Pick the ROTATION tab, rotate the box on the X axis by 45 degrees. Go to TRANS tab
and change transition values to these: X : 0, Y : -0.5, Z : 0.
Got this? Cool. Let's move on. Create a Cone
, and change cone's values
to these: Height: 0.2, Radius: 0.1. Now change it's location (TRANS tab) to: X: 0, Y: -1, Z: 0. Ok what have
we got here?
Okies, now a few touches here and there, and we'll
have a very nice short sword. Create a Sphere
place it somewhere on the screen, as usual, go to PROPERTIES than pick the SPHERE tab, make it's
radius 0.065. Now Copy it. Don't know how to copy? That's what I'm here for. Right click the sphere, click
Now the sphere is copied to the clipboard (computer memory), now we need more than one sphere like this.
Press CTRL + V and click one of the view windows. Repeat this sequence until you have 3 identical spheres.
Ok, we've got 3 spheres, but what for? Now place the first sphere at: X : 0, Y : -0.6, Z : 0. The second one
should be placed at: X : 0, Y : -0.75, Z : 0. And the third one at: X : 0, Y : -0.9, Z : 0. If you've done everything
like me you should see this:
Now we want our handled be wooden. Select the cylinder of the handled, right click it, go to.... Surprise!
PROPERTIES, click the TEXTURE tab:
click the Browse
button. Go to the directory
where you Spazz3D (it's usually C:\Program Files\Spazz3D),
select the wood.jpg file. Do the same for the handled's box. It should look like this:
And now we should metalise the rest of the handled. Change the material of the spheres and the cone to the
metal material we've created. Now it should look like this:
Looks nice for a set of boxes and balls, isn't it? Spazz3D can do a lot more than this simple sword. I hope
that I could inspire you for some creative thinking. Good Luck, have a creative day.