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Public Art: Santa Ana Winds, Again - continued

The trees were offloaded, and the human figure was uncrated and bolted to the hammock. The trees swung onto their foundations and the hammock lifted onto into position. The entire process took about 90 minutes.

First tree in

The first tree was lifted off the truck and fit onto the foundation. The tolerance on the bolt-holes was 1/16 inch, yet both trees were set on the foundations without a problem. The contractor, Millie & Stevenson, did a great job.

Placing the hammock on the trees

With the human figure in place we had to be careful in how the hammock was lifted. It was put in slings and suspended from the crane and gently nudged into position. I had the job of handing the stainless steel bolts up to the installers on their ladders; serious work. It was harder, though, to keep my mouth shut and not tell them how to do their job. Difficult, but I pulled it off.

Placing the hammock on the trees

After the piece was loosly assembled, the bolts were tightened and the protective wrapping removed. John McCoy of The Daily News took pictures and we all shook hands. Installation was complete. All we need now is the landscaping to be put in.

Yes, the sky really was that color: It was 11 AM on one of those "Chamber of Commerce" days in LA after a rain, when the sky is a deep blue.