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Markazul-Uloom-Al-Islamiyya (MUA for short) is an Islamic Institute which is based in Rotherham in the UK.

Alhamdulillah (All Praise is due to Allah), it is one of many Madrassas (Islamic Institutes) within the UK which aims to provide the best possible Islamic Education to the Muslim Children and Society.

Within the Madrassa at the moment, there are 2 Classes for Hifz (Memorisation of the Holy Qur'an) and there are also 7 other Classes in which the children are learning how to read the Qur'an. The Children are taught various other lessons such as Islamic History and Islamic Manners etc.

The Children are also involved in various other activities whilst studying in the Madrassa. Trips are also organised for the children studying at MUA, which include visiting other Islamic Institutes in the UK.

The Madrassa comprises of two main buildings as shown below:



The Madrassa has various facilities available. It has recently opened a shop where Islamic Literature, Frames and Clothes etc can be purchased at very competitive prices. The shop is the first Islamic shop that has been opened within Rotherham. This shop has been very successful as many people have been able to take advantage of such a facility. The Madrassa also has Computer Facilities which can be used by the students studying at the Madrassa for general and educational purposes especially for completing homework from Schools and Colleges. Please make dua (supplication to Allah) so that the Madrassa could continue to improve and provide the best possible Islamic Education to the Students studying at MUA.

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