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Use the pencil to mark where you left off in the tutorial

Photo Impact Dancers

Ok, we have seen this tutorial done in PSP, some of you do not have PSP so I did the tut in PI

I don't feel I have infringed on anyone elses tuts.

I did not get permission from Deb to rewrite hers and I have permission from another party to do hers.. the only thing I will be using of hers is the Viseman zoom and I have that myself which I will include in the tools

Ok, in the tools are the dolls, but you can use your own, the text again you can use your own and the viseman filter, again you don't have to use it either, just make it plain

All that out of the way...Let's rock!!!!

You will find the tools


Extract the VM to your plugins folder

Open your dancing graphic in PI......Open an image about 400x400...white... click on your graphic to highlight it....edit...copy..... click on the image....paste as your graphic....right click and merge

Click on effects.....VMtool box...Zoom Blur.......with settings at 42 top and 35 ok

Edit >copy your graphic on new image and paste as object....again center your graphic..... open your layer palette and right click on the layer and now have 2 images...close off one layer and with the other layer highlighted...go to edit>rotate and flip...flip horizontally....

Click on the text tool and with your font open and shrunk to the task bar.... typy your name...size 68....mode 3D again you can change your text....move the text under the feet so they are standing on top of some letters...

Now right click on the text in the layer palette and duplicate.......getting really easy is'nt it?

Close off one dancer layer and 1 text may have to drag the text down to above your dancer... click on the dancer and holding down the shift key click on text layer ....this will highlight them both...right click.. merge as single object.......

Close that layer the eye on the other dancer and text layer...again you may have to drag the text down.... click on the dancer....with shift key down click on text....right click and merge as single object...

OK, that's all there we will save them....I like to save with web imager 'cause it gives me no background but if you want to frame yours just save as jpg.....

Highlight one layer...make sure the other layer is turned off....web...image optimizer....with these setting...

At this point your mouse will turn to an eye dropper, just place it on the white background and click.... ....then save as.....number 1

Do the same with the other image but make sure you close the eye on the one you just as number 2.......

..............Let's get it dancing........

Open gif animator..... and you have the size...400x400...just next and add your in the box put 50 and next all the way to end......

There you go just can change the speed if you like...

Thanks to Fantasy Dream World for letting me use the idea

Thanks for trying my tut


