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Use the pencil to mark where you left off in the tutorial
The Little Mermaid

Some one asked me if I ever made a tut with bubbles under water, this is the best I could come up with, the bubbles template is included so maybe you can play with it with another picture.This is a beautiful Picture by Penny Parker, I love doing her pictures and she is so generous sharing them with us

Please visit her site

You won't be disapointed

Written by Dorothy/May/2006


Mermaid Template


Make a folder to extract your selections in

Open your template in PSP...make sure all the B layers are turned all your graphigs in psp, hair,face,brush and tail

On your template canvas...Add a new layer...selections load from disk mirror......flood fill with #E384AC ...add new layer...flood fill with #F94998...selections...modify...contract by 1...on the flood fill layer hit none...add a new layer...selections..load from your psp face on the face graphic...edit...copy.. click on the canvas and paste into none... add a new layer...selections load from disk..mirror inside.sel...flood fill with #A93E52.. close off the background layer...layers>merge> name this layer...mirror...turn on background layer

Add new layer...selections..load from disk..left hand...flood fill with #F2C09F.. add new layer....flood fill with #E79937...selections...modify.. contract by 1...make sure you are on the flood fill layer...hit delete...add a new layer and with your draw tool set at size 1 colour set at #808080...draw 3 little fingers....close off background...layers> merge> name left background and mirror layers

Open your hair layer...edit> on your canvas...edit...paste as new layer.... , you can see where to place the hair as I left a little on her tail to help place name hair

Add a new layer...selections..load from disk...right arm...flood fill with #F2C09F...add new layer...flood fill with #E79937...selections...modify... conteact by your brush graphic...edit...copy... click on the canvas and paste as new layer and place the brush on top of the brush in her hair...mamke sure it is place right on top...add new layer...selections... load friom disk...upper right arm''' flood fill with #F2C09F...add new layer ...flood fill with #E79937...selections...modify...contract by 1... hit delete...add new layer and again with your draw tool set at #808080... draw about 3 fingers..close off background layer...mirror...left> merge visible and re name right arm

Open background layer...left arm layer and right arm layer... add new layer...selections..load from disk...tail...flood fill with #49C8D7.. add new layer...flood fill with..#139DAD,,,selections...modify... contract by 1...hit the fin graphic...edit...copy... on your canvas paste as new layer and place it at the bottom of her tail.. close off background..mirror...left arm...right>merge>visible... re name tail

Click on the tail layer...selections load from with your smudge tool..settings like this

smudge around the bottom of her tail in dark...then change to lighten rgb and smudge the top of her on the right arm and smudge with darken rgb...under the elbow and up her inside none and with the tail again and smudge darken... smudge the waistline to blend with her skin...whew!!!hope you can understand that you can merge all your layers and re name it background

The big fish and little fish are on their own layers..if you wish to move them around this is your choice, I din't move them because it made too much animation, I just wanted the bubble effect

1)Open the big fish and little fish on canvas and paste as new this with the little fish name these layers... little fish and big your fish like so

.with your background and big fish and little fish layers b1... edit...copy> animation shop...right click and paste as new animation

2)Close b2... edit...copy> animation shop...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

3)Close b3... edit...copy> animation shop...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

4)Close b4... edit...copy> animation shop...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

5)Close b5... edit...copy> animation shop...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

6)Close b6... edit...copy> animation shop...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

7)Close b7... edit...copy> animation shop...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

8)Close b8... edit...copy> animation shop...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

9)Close b9... edit...copy> animation shop...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

10)Close b10... edit...copy> animation shop...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

In animation shop...edit>select all....animationd frame properties set at 21

That's all to this one

