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Use the pencil to mark where you left off in the tutorial

Ouija Board

This ouiji board was a snag...I re made the board bigger to accomodate my name

*Two things to remember when doing this tut...

1)Make sure you close off the original and only work with the copy...

2)When you work with each letter make sure on each layer you delete the letters you have alread used......I hope I explained that right*


is all you will need

Open the tools in PSP

Close off all layers

Click on background layer to highlight...layer>add new raster layer...type your name... with these settings...arial narrow...size 26...color black ..antalias and floating checked.....and bold shut off click your name at the it so the letters will fall easily on top of them.... close off all layers except the text...layers> name text and close off...drag to the top...we won't need it for a while

Duplicate the background and drag down to bottom...duplicate letters ...drag to above copy of background...duplicate the pointer and drag down on top of the pointer at the bottom of the numbers...layers>merge...close off and re name

Duplicate the background and drag down to on top of last layer..duplicate letters ...drag to above copy of background...duplicate the pointer and drag down on top of letter the pointer at the first letter of your name....hit the deform tool and turn the pointer to the letter..layers>merge...close off and re name

Duplicate the background and drag down to on top of last layer..duplicate letters ...drag to above copy of background...duplicate the pointer and drag down on top of letter the pointer at the next letter of your name....hit the deform tool and turn the pointer to the click on the letter layers and lasso the first letter of your to tighten the ants.....drag it down a little like it's falling....hit the deform and turn it a it's none....layers>merge...close off and re name

Like so

Duplicate the background and drag down to on top of last layer..duplicate letters ...drag to above copy of background...duplicate the pointer and drag down on top of letter the pointer at the next letter of your name....hit the deform tool and turn the pointer to the click on the letter layers and lasso the previos letter of your name...drag it down a little like it's falling....hit the deform and turn it a it's none....duplicate the text layer and drag down....lasso all but the first letter and hit delete....

Like so

make sure you hit the previous letters and delete them..............................layers>merge...close off and re name

Duplicate the background and drag down to on top of last layer..duplicate letters ...drag to above copy of background...duplicate the pointer and drag down on top of letter the pointer at the next letter of your name....hit the deform tool and turn the pointer to the click on the letter layers and lasso the previous letter of your to tighten ants...drag it down a little like it's falling....hit the deform and turn it a it's tumbling......make sure you hit the previous letters and delete none....duplicate the text layer and drag down....lasso all but the first two letters and hit delete....layers>merge...close off and re name

Duplicate the background and drag down to on top of last layer..duplicate letters ...drag to above copy of background...duplicate the pointer and drag down on top of letter the pointer at the next letter of your name....hit the deform tool and turn the pointer to the click on the letter layers and lasso the previous letter of your to tighten ants....drag it down a little like it's falling....hit the deform and turn it a it's tumbling......make sure you hit the previous letters and delete none....duplicate the text layer and drag down....lasso all but the first three letters and hit delete....layers>merge...close off and re name

Duplicate the background and drag down to on top of last layer..duplicate letters ...drag to above copy of background...duplicate the pointer and drag down on top of letter the pointer at the next letter of your name....hit the deform tool and turn the pointer to the click on the letter layers and lasso the next letter of your name...drag it down a little like it's falling....hit the deform and turn it a it's tumbling......make sure you hit the previous letters and delete none....duplicate the text layer and drag down....lasso all but the first four letters and hit delete....layers>merge...close off and re name

Keep doing this untill all letters are deleted and down at the bottom...

On the last letter just place the pointer near the text...

Like so or wherever you want to place it

One more duplicate and drag down...background...letters...pointer...text.....make sure the pointer is placed right on top of the pointer in the last the previous letter and turn off the background to place the pointer so it won't jump....layers> nmae and your done...except for the animation LOL

........................Now to watch it go!.....................

Take off all the red x's and save in animation shop...edit>select all...animation frame properties set at.......100....right click on last frame and set properties at 150...

I hope you had fun with this one

Any problems just

E Mail me
