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Use the pencil to mark where you left off in the tutorial
Pretty Woman!

If you don't wish to hear the music just click on the red x on your browser page

This is what you will be making

This is made with PSP7 but can be done in PSP8,in PSP 8 for the smudging, you will have to use the paint brush at size 1 and the colour to be darker or lighter to draw lines and then use the smudge tool. I hope this helps for PSP 8 user


Scroll to the bottom of the tut and see the original picture

I left the same face as the original...other than that and the watch 1.. and the template...everything else has been made into a selection

Have fun putting it to gether

This is a Picture made by Antoine Bomon and with his permission we can use this picture

OK, first make a new folder for your selections, just on your desktop will be fine

Template supplies

Extract your supplies to that folder

If you don't want the text just skip to #2....when doing the smudging, make sure you are on the layer to be smudged...when you add the new layer and fill with black...make sure you are on the black filled layer to delete

1)Open PWtemplate...add new layer...with your text tool...size set at 24...font...storybook(enclosed0...stroke set at null..fill set at your choice of colour... type your name...with the de form tool...and using the center node.... drag your text down to almost the bottom...go to selections and load from disk...arm 1 and move your text so her hand sits on the first none

add this inner bevel and this drop shadow effect

Drop shadow

When you have the text lined none...layers>merge

2)Add new layer ...selections....load from disk..... fill with...#6D5F44... add new layer.....flood fill black....selections...modify.... contract by 1...delete.....layers>merge...with the smudge tool set at ...lightenRGB....size set at 20... ....smudge her hair ...add new layer.... with the draw tool...size set at 1...colour black.....draw lines through her hair.... effects....blur...gausssian blur set at 1.....selections ..load from strand...flood fill with #6D5F44...add new layer...flood fill black...selections... modify...contract by none...layers>merge

Open the face graphic...copy ...paste as new layer...put the face in place... layers>merge

2)Add new layer...selections...load from disk...hat....flood fill with #79069E..add new layer....flood fill with black... selections...modify...contract by 1...delete...layers>merge... with your draw tool same settings as before...draw a line across the brim...and down from the top to show a fold

Add new layer...selections...load from disk...hat trim... flood fill with #79069E.....add new layer...flood fill black....selections... modify...contract by 1...delete....add new layer....selections...load from disk ...hat buttons...flood fill #79069E....add new layer...flood fill black....selections...modify...contract by 1...delete....layers>merge

3)Add new layer....selections...load from disk...leg 1.... flood fill with #C9A790.....add new layer...flood fill black.... selections...modify...contract by 1....delete...add new layer....selections... load from disk...leg 2...flood fill #C9A790....add new layer...flood fill with black...selections...modify....contract by 1...delete.... ...Add new layer...selections...load from disk....arm 1...flood fill #C9A790... add new layer...flood fill black....selections...modify by 1...delete.....add new layer...selections...load from disk...arm 2....flood fill #C9A790...add new layer...flood fill black ...selections...modify...contract by 1...delete...add new layer...selections load from disk...neck...flood fill #C9A790...add new layer ...flood fill black...selections...modify...contract by 1...delete... add new layer...selections...load from disk tummy....flood fill #C9A790... add new layer...flood fill black...selections..modify...contract by 1...delete... layers>merge...with your smudge tool size set at 20...darken RGB...smudge.. her legs,tummy and arms layers>merge....

4)Add new layer...selections...load from disk...halter...flood fill with #FCE01D... add new layer...flood fill black...selections...modify...contract by 1... delete....add new layer...selectiosn load from disk...bust...flood fill black...effects... blur...gaussian blur st at 1....layers>merge

5)Add new layer....selections...load from fill...#79069E ..add new layer...flood by 1...delete... add new layer...selections..load from disk watch top...flood fill light grey.... add new layer...flood fill. black....selections...modify...contract by 1...delete... add new layer...selections...load from disk watch 2...flood fill with ..#79069E... add new layer...flood fill black...selections...modify....contract by your watch 1 graphic...copy...paste as new it on the band...layers>merge

6)Add new layer...selections...load from disk...boot 1....flood fill #5B4C31...add new layer...flood fill black...selections....modify...contract by 1... delete...add new layer...selections..load from disk...boot 2...flood fill #5B4C31.... add new layer....flood by 1...delete... layers>merge...with the smudge tool set at ligtenRGB...size set at 20...smudge the boots.. shown here

Add new layer...selections..load from disk...boot top...flood fill...#957EB5... add new layer...flood fill by 1...delete.... add new layer...selections...load from disk...boot trim...flood fill....#AF783D.... add new layer...flood fill black...selections...modify...contract by 1...delete... add new layer...selections...load from disk...boot lace....flood fill .#AF783D....add new layer.. flood fill black...selections...modify...contract by 1...delete...layers>merge...with your draw tool ...line set at 1...colour set at black...draw lines in the boot... with your smudge tool set at lighten...smudge the boot....smudg tool set at darken...smudge the heel and sole...add new layer...selections...load from disk... boot shadow...flood fill with black...

Like so

Selections...load from disk...boot shadow...flood fill with black....layers>merge

7)Add new layer...selections...load from disk...shorts...flood fill with #790691...... add new layer...flood fill, black...selections...modify...contract by 1... layer...selections...load from disk...shorts trim...flood fill #FF8DFF...add new layer...flood fill black...selections...modify...contract by 1... layer...selections...load from disk...belt...flood fill#FCE01D... new layer...flood by 1...delete.... add new layer...selections...load from disk...buckle...flood fill with a light grey.... add new layer...flood fill black...selections...modify...contract by 1...delete...selections...load from disk... shorts shadow...flood fill with black... layers>merge

8)Add new layer...selection...load from disk...locket...flood fill light grey... add new layer...flood fill by 1...delete.... selections...load from disk...heart...flood fill layer...flood fill selections...modify..contract by 1...delete....layers>merge

9)Add new lets put our draw marks on her body, .... under the arm... in the bust and under the knee..layers>merge... add new layer....and with the paint brush...size set at 2....round... ..colour set at black...give her a belly button. effects...blur... gaussian blur set at 1...Layers>merge...

10)Add new layer and with your text tool size set at 18.... stroke set at null....fill set at your colour....type youe initioals and place them on the hat, you may have to use the de form tool to turn them a little... layers>merge

Open your on the graphic...paste as new layer.... place 1 on her ear...paste as new layer one on her other ear...paste as new layer this one on her locker....layers>merge

Save as


Open your graphic in your sparkle in AS....duplicate your graphic 2 times for a total of 3 on the on all... edit...paste into selected the sparkle on 1 ear...paste into selected frames.. place on the other ear....paste into selected on the locket...make sure you place these directly on top of the ones you put there in PSP.... animation...frame properties set at 20, or to your liking

Animation re size to 200, or bigger if you prefer

This is a lovely picture and thanks Antoine Bomon for letting us share it

The original picture by Antione Bomon
